Unlike last season’s opener where a long-haired Mindy was in prison for public intoxication, season two of The Mindy Project began with a newly short-haired Mindy volunteering in Haiti with her minister boyfriend. It seems that our Mindy is growing up.

Mindy’s initial voiceover wasted no time and caught us up on her trip to Haiti as well as life back at Shulman & Associates. Here are the highlights: she’s happily in Haiti with Casey, Dr. Paul Leotard (James Franco) replaced her at the office, and Danny’s on his second honeymoon with Christina.

Next, we find Mindy and Casey enjoying a Haitian sunrise. Of course Mindy’s upset she had to wake up so early, but her mood quickly changes when Casey pulls out an engagement ring. In shock, Mindy yells, “I wanna vine this!” Okay, maybe she hasn’t grown up that much, but who cares our girl’s engaged!

Mindy and Casey head back to their shack to celebrate the engagement, but Mindy’s not feeling so well. After a few stomach pains, she loses consciousness, and wakes up to Morgan’s smiling face.

We learn that Mindy was air lifted out of Haiti to have emergency gall bladder surgery. She’s fine now, and back in New York. How convenient right?

Over at Dr. Leotard’s office, Danny and Christiana are in the middle of a sex therapy session to improve their nonexistent sex life.

When Danny finds out that Mindy’s back and in the hospital, he literally runs to the hospital to see her. (Do you think maybe he likes her?) Then when Casey and Mindy announce their engagement, Danny can only muster a forced half smile. (I think he likes her.)

Back at Mindy’s apartment, she and Casey are already discussing wedding plans. Casey makes the suggestion to get married before they return back to Haiti later in the week, and surprisingly Mindy agrees. To me, agreeing to a speedy wedding doesn’t match her character at all.

The next day at work, Mindy meets Dr. Leotard. Harps and violins play as they hug and then Mindy immediately asks, “I don’t understand why you’re a doctor. You could be a model. Anyone could be a doctor.” Now this is the Mindy I know and love.

Christina later storms in ready to share Danny’s browser history with the entire office. Unfortunately, Danny didn’t know that browser histories exists, and we find out that he’s been searching porn while they’ve been in a romantic slump. Christina breaks his laptop and breaks up with Danny.

Suddenly, it’s Mindy’s wedding day, and in a freak bathroom accident, Casey pees on Mindy’s wedding dress minutes before she’s suppose to walk down the aisle. Fear not! After a quick pep talk with Danny where Mindy reveals she doesn’t want to go back to Haiti, she walks down the aisle in a set of teal scrubs.

I again found myself thinking this is so not Mindy, and I wasn’t alone. Casey stops the wedding telling Mindy that she deserves a grander wedding that suits her. In order to finance such a wedding, he suggests that she should stay in New York to work when he goes back to Haiti.

A little too perfectly wrapped up, but I still liked the premiere. Next week we’ll be treated with another episode featuring Dr. Leotard, and we’ll see how Mindy and Casey deal with their long distance relationship. How’d you like James Franco on the show? Do you think Mindy and Casey can make it long distance? Comment below!
