A third woman is coming forward to allege Lamar Odom cheated on his wife Khloe Kardashian with her. Sandy Schultz claims Kardashian broke up her on and off longtime relationship with the NBA star in 2009.

Sandy Schultz gave a revealing interview to Star, claiming it was like a “dagger through my heart” to hear Kardashian has the same nickname for Odom as she did and even claiming to have broken off an engagement to another man for him in 2009, the same year Kardashian and Odom met and got married.

She explained she was at a party Kardashian was hosting for Ron Artest. “We were sitting at our table having drinks. I got up to go to the bathroom and when I returned, Khloe had taken my seat next to Lamar. She didn’t move, so I sat in his lap,” she explained. “He was supposed to be home with me and he chose to go home with Khloe Kardashian instead,” she says. “She knew I was Lamar’s girlfriend and she obviously just didn’t care. And Lamar didn’t have the decency to call me that night to say he’d made that decision.”

Schultz said they met in 2003 and “dated solidly” for two years, and on and off for the next seven. “I was very much in love with him,” she said. “I loved his openness and his sexuality.
She also revealed he called her in March 2012, and it was “shocking” because he was married, but “I wanted to see him and let him see what he missed out on.”

She alleged “we just fell into each others’ arms, hugging and kissing,” and since Kardashian “didn’t care about breaking up me and Lamar, now karma is coming back around.”

Odom recently denied claims of substance abuse, and laughed when the cameraman asked if he had talked to Kardashian, saying “Of course, that’s my wife.”

image: NBC