This is the End is back in theaters. It’s obnoxious, raunchy, offensive, violent but hilarious.

This is the End tells the story of five guys trying to survive the apocalypse. It sounds like a simple and overused concept. However, these actors make it their own by playing fictional themselves. Even the cameo actors play themselves. It was a very interesting twist.

The movie begins with Jay Baruchel coming into Los Angeles to visit his good friend Seth Rogen. After hanging out, they decide to go to James Franco’s party. Baruchel doesn’t want to go because he feels that all of Rogen’s friends hate him but they go anyway.

While at the A-list party, a sinkhole hits the front yard of Franco’s sucking most of the celebrities within. Franco, Baruchel, Jonah Hill, Danny McBride, Craig Robinson and Rogen are the only ones from the party who make it back inside of the house. They lock themselves in to keep safe.

There are some shenanigans in between to keep the laughs going. Most of the jokes stem from situational humor and the belief that five actors could survive in this type of world.

The cameos in the film are worth the watch as well. Emma Watson was a shining star in the film as well as Michael Cera. While the two don’t have much screen time, they really make a lasting impression.

The film succeeds in that the viewers believe Franco and the bunch actually behave like that in the real world. Watching, it seems less like a film and more like a documentary. By the end of the movie, however, they seem less like their real selves and more like fictional characters.

The movie was an up and down roller coaster. At some points, I was laughing and at others, they seemed to be trying too hard. The middle drags a bit and the ending is rushed. When the movie was finished, I had a decent time.

A warning though, this movie is very graphic. There are violent fatalities, lots of cursing and sexual jokes. If you aren’t a fan of those things, don’t go. But, if you are a fan of funny things, Franco, apocalypses, or just looking for a good time- check this flick out.

My professional opinion, however, is to wait and rent the film. While I laughed and think it is good, it isn’t good enough to spend too much on.

This is the End will be released on Blu-ray and DVD on Oct. 1.