Inevitably, Staples will bombard every channel ever with “Back-to-school sale!” commercials, you’ll notice a sharp uptick in Pinterest projects concerning “DIY customizable chevron-pattern pencil case/ lunchbox sets”, and pieces from your children’s or your own wardrobe will inexplicably start looking shabby or ill-fitting.
Regardless of how relevant school is to your life anymore, no one can escape the fervent excitement of “Back To School” time. Whether you’re in school or just happy for summer to end and things to return to normalcy; here’s five school-centric songs that’ll remind you of the new shoes and new faces that accompany this time of year.
5. “School is In”-Josie Cotton (1984) New Wave artist, Josie Cotton, gives a bubbly, ‘60s-influenced ode to this time of year. This song was featured in the Valley Girl (1983) soundtrack.
4. “We’re Going to Be Friends”- The White Stripes (2002)
Used in the opening credits for Napoleon Dynamite(2004), this song evokes the simplicity of childhood school days when making friends and finding bugs were your only two concerns.
3. “Be True to Your School”- The Beach Boys (1963)
Leave it to The Beach Boys to make the school year, summer’s arch-nemesis, sound fun and exciting. I feel that if my high school pep rally involved playing Beach Boys songs, I might have had more school spirit.
2. “Billy S.”- Skye Sweetnam (2003)
I’m an English major, so I was always slightly angered by the shade Skye Sweetnam throws on William Shakespeare in her first single. Luckily for her, this song is so catchy and fun and early 2000s pop-punk wonderful.
1. “Rock ‘n’ Roll High School”- The Ramones (1979)
Sweetnam’s song is cute and all, but The Ramones are definitely the kings of hating school; they even made a movie based on the song the same year this album, End of the Century, came out.