On Cassadine Island, Luke was shocked when Tracy came into his room disguised as a guard. She told him about Olivia's vision of him in a casket calling for 'Spanx' to help him. He was impressed but wasn’t eager to leave with her. She told him that she didn’t want him to be a guinea pig for a madman, but Luke wouldn’t leave empty handed but tried to dissuade Tracy from procuring the cure on her own. She boasted that Jerry hadn't caught her yet and left. Meanwhile, Robin opened the lab door with Obrecht's finger before grabbing Ben to escape, but Jerry stopped her at the next exit door. Robin refused to let him near the baby, placed her hand on the cryo-chamber reactivation button and threatened to send the lab into a deep freeze, destroying all the research. Jerry reminded her about Obrecht being inside also and said that he didn’t think she could take someone's life but dared her to do so. Robin then pushed the button but was surprised when nothing happened. Jerry then told her that the cryogenics lab was moved to make room for her work. Suddenly, Obrecht rushed out looking for her grandson and to clobber Robin. Jerry thought she was lucky he was there to stop Robin. Meanwhile, Tracy approached and stayed hidden as Jerry sent Robin back to work. Jerry ignored Obrecht's plea to let her kill Robin believing she could complete the research and he said that he would deal with Robin. Then, Obrecht agreed and told Robin that she “needed to go see someone she loved just as much as she loves Patrick.” Tracy, who didn’t see Robin, then returned to Luke's room to wait for Jerry to bring the cure to them.
In Switzerland, Anna thought Robert was confused but he swore that he’d seen Robin…alive! Anna wanted him to stop because he’d only make things worse when he had to face the truth. Robert then went over with her what happened again but Anna still didn’t believe it was possible. She then wondered if Faison faked Robin's death and remembered someone being onto him. It must have been Robin. Robert knew Anna’s gut was telling her that he was right, but she replied that she didn’t want grief to cloud her judgment. Robert then said that he knew the truth and could prove it. He then said if Anna could find Obrecht, she'd find their daughter. Anna then told Robert that Obrecht's trail was cold and that she needed to talk to Faison. Robert didn’t want her to go alone but they both agreed she had to and to tell no one until they knew for sure that Robin was alive.
When Derek couldn’t find Ava at The Metro Court, a security guard told him that Ava left with a young guy. He called and left her a message eager to track her down so they could take care of business.
Someone knocked on Ava's apartment door. She and Morgan were hesitant to answer, thinking it was Carly. They were relieved to find the moving men. Ava wasn’t pleased when they thought that Morgan was her son but Morgan quickly took her mind off of their ages and they made out and then had sex. Afterwards, Morgan left to shower before Derek arrived banging on the door. Ava told him that it wasn’t a good time, but he said that he didn't care about her boyfriend and he just wanted to make sure she hadn't forgotten they still had Sonny to deal with. Then, Morgan interrupted, looking for shampoo and heard Derek mention Sonny. Derek introduced himself to Morgan as a client of Ava’s. Once Derek and Ava were alone, Derek laughed that she was shacking up with Sonny's kid. He advised that she keep up the good work before he left. Later, Morgan asked Ava why an art buyer would be interested in Sonny.
Carly found Shawn with Sonny at the office trying to figure out who attacked their shipment. She told Sonny that she there to discuss Morgan. Sonny replied that he couldn’t help Morgan because Morgan didn’t understand why he did what he did. Then, Carly clarified that Morgan doesn’t understand how Sonny's illness and being off hid meds affected him. She then added that she didn’t want him to buy into Morgan's pity-party, that they love Michael and Morgan the same, even if they treat them differently and that they need to find Morgan. Sonny said that he didn’t know where Morgan was but Carly said she knew who he was with…Ava. Carly then told Sonny that Ava seduced Morgan and their relationship had to end. Sonny wanted them to play this smart so they wouldn’t push Morgan further away further. Before Carly left she asks Sonny about his business with Shawn. Sonny replied that he hoped to give Derek a headline so everyone knew who the boss in Port Charles was. Later, Sonny asked Shawn to personally track down Ava. Shawn returned later with news on where Morgan and Ava were.
Carly went to see Derek in his room at The Metro Court. She told him that she needed his help to find Ava. He suggested looking in Ava's room and joked that she probably already barged into her room like she did his. Carly replied that she owned the hotel so she would go wherever she pleased. She then complained about Ava preying on Morgan. Derek replied that Morgan was a grown man and that he thought she focusing too much on Morgan instead of he own relationship problems. Derek then cited Carly’s fight with her 'boyfriend' at the pier and Derek replied that it was obvious that was gay. Carly replied that she's moved on and then invited him to dinner. He suspected she had an ulterior motive but she said that she was just lonely, so Derek agreed.
At Lulu and Dante’s, Alexis was surprised at Dante and Lulu's request for help to keep Connie. They told her what happened at christening and that Maxie's intent was to let them keep Connie. She told them they couldn’t proceed with adopting Connie until they had Maxie and Spinelli's written consent and Alexis drew up adoption papers. Before she left, Alexis asked for help in talking to Lucas. Lulu advised her to talk to Carly. Later, Lulu called and invites Maxie and Spinelli over.
Meanwhile, Franco argued with Heather's striped painting in his room when he couldn’t replicate her art. He cut Sebastian's call short to continue working on the striped series and yelled, "Go away," when someone knocked on the door. It was Heather in a disguise. She wondered why he wanted an audience with her and offered to make Carly disappear if she was a problem for him. Franco then said that he wanted to see her because of her painting. Franco gave it high praise and said it’s become a distraction for him. Heather then grabbed something from her purse and was about to destroy the striped painting when Franco screamed out for her to stop. Heather was excited that Franco ‘got it' and agrees to do a series for him provided he stay away from Carly. As Heather got ready to leave, Franco lied about having seen Carly recently but remembered their kiss. Franco then shoved Heather behind him when he saw Carly walking by in the hall. Carly wondered what he was up to but she told him that didn’t have the time to deal with him because she has to get ready for her date with Derek Wells. Franco stopped cold when he heard this and watched her walk away. Later, Franco caught Derek on his way out to his date with Carly.
In The Metro Court restaurant, Olivia cursed Derek Wells for his newest headline “Corinthos in the Crossfire” before Spinelli and Maxie arrived. She greeted them as “the Jackal and the Backstabber” and jokes they needed their own show where they could commit crimes on their friends. Maxie thought she and Spinelli being there was a bad idea and wanted to go but Olivia continued to ask Maxie how she could let Lulu and Dante fall in love with a baby who wasn’t theirs. Then, Spinelli interrupted after Maxie took the blame. He then told Olivia that they were interested in how to proceed so they could raise the baby and said that he and Maxie couldn’t live without their daughter. Olivia replied that she this was going to happen and begged them to tread lightly since their new beginning was the end for Dante and Lulu. Maxie then received Lulu's call saying they needed to meet. Later, Olivia showed Carly the newspaper headline and noted that there was a lot of negative news aimed at Sonny. Carly didn’t want to talk about Derek Wells since she had a date with him. Then, Alexis arrived hoping Carly can help her.
At her apartment, Ava set ground rules for Morgan, specifically that he couldn’t listen in on her conversations. He replied that he couldn’t “un-hear” what he'd already heard and wanted to know why she and Derek were talking about Sonny. She covered by saying that Derek's visit pertained to his newspaper and not his interest in art and that he wanted a quote from the family about Sonny's business but she declined his request. Morgan then confessed he would have told Derek anything he wanted to know and he didn’t care who knew what about his father. Outside, Sonny paused at Ava's door before knocking. Morgan refused to go anywhere with Sonny and stuck up for Ava saying that she wasn’t the problem…Sonny was. Sonny then apologized for letting Morgan lie to Michael and Kiki, but Morgan didn’t want to hear it. He shot back that Sonny was dead to him and he walked away. Ava then apologized but Sonny wasn't swayed by her display of concern. He replied that he saw she'd been playing him, pointed out that now made her his enemy and warned her that she now had a target on her back. Then, Morgan returned and Sonny agreed that he was now an adult and warned him to watch his back no matter what happened between him and Ava.
When Molly and Rafe Jr. arrived at the penthouse ready to celebrate Danny's homecoming, Sam told them that it wasn’t a good time. Then, Silas came downstairs shirtless. Sam and Silas then told them that Danny crashed for the night after getting Silas' shirt got wet with milk. Molly and Rafe Jr. then left to go eat and joked outside how they thought Sam and Silas were hooking up. They tried not to think about how awkward that would be. Molly then changed the subject and asked Rafe Jr. what the deal between him and Taylor was. Rafe Jr. replied that they both needed someone to commiserate with after she and TJ got back together.
Inside the penthouse, Sam offered to wash Silas’ shirt if he didn’t mind. He said that he didn’t mind and was pleased when Sam wanted to celebrate Danny’s recovery with a glass of wine. He complemented her laugh and she admitted she finally felt relaxed. She then added that with Danny okay, she could now get back to her ordinary life. Silas replied that there was nothing ordinary about her and they kissed. Danny began to cry as they were about to go upstairs. By the time he was settled, Silas got beeped to go the hospital.
Taylor came into Kelly's and tried to start a conversation with TJ. He commented about not seeing her around much since she's been spending so much time with her new boyfriend, Rafe Jr. Taylor admitted that she had to get over him and had Rafe Jr. to commiserate with. Then, Rafe Jr. and Molly arrived. Molly followed TJ to look at his gift for Danny. Once they were alone, Rafe Jr. admitted that Taylor was right…her plan was working because both Molly and TJ seemed jealous that they were now a couple. Taylor replied that they have to keep it up to get what they want and kissed him when Molly and TJ returned. They found their PDA “so middle school.”
At The Metro Court, Franco told Derek that it wasn’t a good idea for him to have dinner with Carly and tried to convince him that Carly was crazy and mentioned how she went berserk when she found out her son was sleeping with Ava. Derek shot back that he didn’t know why Franco cared. Franco then admitted that he and Carly may have feelings for each other. Derek confessed that Carly asked him and that he was going. Franco stopped him again and asked Derek if he was sure he wanted to cross him. Derek then replied that he was surprised that Franco's lawyer got him off for being a new man and left for dinner. Franco was yelling after him not to call him
“Mr. Franco” when Diane arrived with new contracts for him to sign for his new show and was eager to see the new work Sebastian was so excited about. Franco then said that he was spending too much time in his room and invited Diane to dinner. Upstairs, Alexis found Carly in the restaurant and asked about Lucas' biological father, Julian Jerome. Carly didn’t think the family wanted it advertised who Lucas' father was and wondered why it was important. Alexis then reluctantly shared her embarrassing story of hooking up with stranger that may have been Julian Jerome. She then hoped Carly can convince Lucas to have a DNA test. Carly said she was uncomfortable asking him directly but would run it by Bobbie for her. Carly then stepped away to join Derek and Alexis gaped as Carly greeted Derek as her date. They both thanked him for helping Danny before Alexis got called away. Carly thought Alexis seemed weird when she saw Derek was her date but was distracted when Diane and Franco entered the restaurant. She watched Franco touch Diane's hand before kissing it gently. Carly responded by hinting that Derek was devastatingly handsome and touched his face. Diane was confused by Franco's actions and he offered to give her a percentage of his next show if she helped him. She tried to figure out what Franco wanted but then he expectantly stood up and kissed her passionately. With that, Carly had enough and rushed over to break up the kiss. Derek sat alone smirking at the scene as Franco and Diane explained that they were now a couple. When Carly returned, Derek explained his earlier encounter with Franco but Carly interrupted him by kissing him. Diane didn’t think Franco's plan to make Carly jealous was working. Derek told Carly that knew the show was for Franco's benefit but didn’t mind and proceeded to kiss Carly back.
At Dante and Lulu’s, they presented Maxie and Spinelli with adoption papers. They seemed confused and Dante wondered why they thought they were called there. Lulu expected that they would surrender their rights to Connie and offered them a pen so they could get this over with before Connie woke up from her nap. Spinelli and Maxie then told them that they decided to raise their baby as their own. Dante replied that he knew it, but Lulu reminded them that they wanted them to keep Connie at the christening. Maxie replied that was before they knew the truth, now that they know, Maxie wants to raise the baby with Spinelli. Lulu then threatened that Maxie and Spinelli would take Connie out of the house over her dead body. Then, Lulu and Dante asked them to leave before they called Alexis. When she arrived, she told them that she didn’t doesn't think a judge would take Connie away from her biological parents without their consent.
Outside Kelly's, Spinelli called Diane with Maxie by his side to seek her legal services.
In Geneva, Anna arrived at a super maximum prison facility to visit Faison. The guard allowed her to keep her gun and took her to a room. Faison was brought in. He sat down and gave Anna a chilling look saying that he dreamed of this day. She replied that she wasn’t there to reminisce and needed to know something. Faison stopped her to apologize and wondered if she can forgive him. She said that it depended and that she was there about Robin. He remembered that it was Robin's birthday. Anna cried over not being able to see or touch her. Faison then told Anna, "Robin is alive." Anna thinks that was impossible and wanted to know how he did this. He told his collaborators, Jerry Jacks, Dr. Ewen Keenan, and Dr. Liesl Obrecht. Anna said she knew about Obrecht's crimes. He replied that she loves him but that he's never returned her feelings and never will because Anna is the only woman in his life. Then, he stepped towards her and she allowed him to kiss her. He wondered why she kissed back. She then said that she loved him too, but she wasn’t Anna. Faison was horrified when Obrecht took off a rubber mask. Outside, the real Anna Devane arrived to see Faison.
In Robert's room, Mac wondered where Anna was and was concerned that she went after Obrecht without letting him know. Robert remembered his promise to Anna not to tell anyone Robin was alive until she found proof. He almost let it slip when Mac reminded him that it was Robin's birthday. He remembered missing Robin's funeral and wished he’d been stronger. Mac didn’t think that was his last chance to say goodbye to his daughter. He then told Robert that he had a video of the funeral that was videotaped for AMFAR. Robert watched and listened to the eulogies of all Robin’s family and friends. Mac cried and she that he missed her so much. Robert wanted to tell him something. Robert struggled with telling Mac but then said that they should think about Robin’s life and maybe she could hear them wherever she was. They then both wished her a happy birthday as they held hands.
On Cassadine Island, Robin wondered where Obrecht went that she couldn't take her grandson with her. Jerry wanted her to focus on the cure but surprised her with a birthday muffin. Robin didn’t know what day it was and wouldn’t take his word for it. Jerry then recounted her life history from her birth and reminded her that she could celebrate as many birthdays as she wanted with Patrick after she finished with the cure. He then told her to make a birthday wish before getting back to work. He laughed that he couldn’t imagine what it would be before leaving the lab. Once she was alone, Robin lit the candle and remembered Patrick's gift of tickets to Paris, Rio and Tokyo. Then, silently, she blew out the candle and decided she was going home today. Later, she called Jerry to the lab and told him that he wasn’t going to die because she’d found the cure.
At Kelly's, Elizabeth shares her feelings with Patrick of missing AJ over lunch. She also confessed that she hasn't visited him in jail. Then, Emma asked Elizabeth if she knew what day it was and then replied, "It's mommy's birthday." She shared a card she made with Elizabeth. Patrick then told Elizabeth about taking off his wedding ring after Sabrina’s ex-boyfriend, Carlos pointed out he was still wearing it. He hoped it would help him move on but he still couldn’t believe Robin was gone. Emma returned to the table with a muffin to celebrate Robin's birthday. Patrick lit the candle for her and Emma blew it out, making a wish for Robin, and shared that mommy wished she could come home to them. Patrick was disappointed that they never got to take the trips to Tokyo, Rio and Paris and told Elizabeth that something was missing since he took the ring off. Elizabeth reminded him that he was saying goodbye. She then kissed him on the head and leaves. Emma gave Patrick the card. He said, "Happy birthday my love."
Duke lunched with Olivia at The Metro Court restaurant. She worried over his sad face and he told her that Robert had woken up and hoped Robert didn’t want Anna back. Olivia slapped him and scolded saying, "What's the matter with you?" Olivia maintained that Anna wasn’t going to get back together with Robert since she’s seen the way Anna looks at Duke with her heart in her eyes. He thanked her but got annoyed when Olivia started talking about smoking hot Robert with his accent. Duke didn't know she knew “Robbie.” Olivia mentioned how they met to investigate Duke, who was really Faison and how she developed a crush on “Robbie.” Duke then confessed that he always wanted to know how Robert figured out Faison was parading as him. Olivia then remembered the crazy vision that she shared with Robert indicating that Duke was really Faison. Duke imagined Anna was having a difficult day and he told Olivia that it was Robin's birthday. Before they left, Olivia had a vision of Faison kissing Anna, which she shared with Duke. Duke thought the notion was insane and that Anna would never let that madman touch her but with Faison, anything was possible. Later, Duke told Olivia that Anna was visiting Faison.
In a super max prison, Faison was disgusted that Obrecht pretended to be Anna. Obrecht said that she took a page from his playbook and taunted him for masquerading around as Duke Lavery. She held back tears as he reminded her that she's not and never will be Anna. Obrecht then said that feeling his lips on her wasn’t the only reason she was there. She then said that she has given him something that Anna couldn't…a grandson. She then told him that Britt had recently given birth to a baby boy that they would christen him as Cesar after Faison meets him. He didn’t believe she would bring a baby there. She replied that she wouldn’t and planned to take him to the baby. He thought she was mad because she couldn’t just march him out of here. Obrecht then held up the mask, "No, but Anna can." Outside, the real Anna was confused when the guard noted that the visitor log claims she was with Faison now. She told the guard that she needed to see who was with Faison but the guard stopped her. He had to check with his supervisor first. Meanwhile, Anna took a call from Duke. He described Olivia's vision to her. She found it ridiculous and he agreed, thinking she was with Robert. Anna then admitted that she was trying to see Faison. The guard returned certain that Anna had seen him already. She assured him there was only one of her and walked over to the door. Obrecht then came out wearing Anna's face.
At Wyndemere, Britt was upset when Nikolas told her that Anna has left the country without finding her son. Nikolas said Britt was just a mother worried for her child. Britt then said that she couldn’t blame Anna since it was her mother who was responsible for her nightmare. Britt then told Nikolas that Obrecht never acted like a mother, or like she had a heart. She then added that it was her mother's fault that Anna couldn’t be there to help her. While checking lead on her laptop, Britt noticed she'd received an email from her mother. She opened an attachment with a video of Obrecht with Ben. She said that the baby “had a bright future ahead of him and that soon they’d all be together as one big happy family.” Nikolas then asked Britt to think of where Obrecht could be. Britt then realized that her mother went to see Faison. Nikolas was confused as to why she would do that and Britt confessed that Faison was father.
On Cassadine Island, Robin told Jerry that she held up her end of the bargain and wanted to go home. Jerry replied that he wasn’t sure that she wasn’t trying to kill him. Robin didn’t know how she can prove she wasn’t but he said that he did. Jerry then confessed that he had a patient with polonium poisoning upstairs. He’d try her cure on him and if it worked he’d cure himself and let the man die. Robin tested Jerry's blood and left his jacket behind when he left. Once she was alone with baby Ben, Robin found Jerry's phone in his jacket and tried to get a signal. Upstairs, Luke woke up delusional and snapped at Tracy to get away from him in his fevered state. He told her that his visions are so real and he explained that Helena was ready to push him into the abyss. Tracy replied that she wouldn’t let Helena take him on her watch. He replied that he’d like to see her fight the dragon lady. Tracy was worried about Jerry and wanted to get the jump on him to fix Luke up. Luke didn’t think he was going to last that long. He then complimented her on being his perfect soul mate but she wanted him to stop and told him that there was no need to thank her. He then replied that he wasn’t trying to thank her, “I love you,” Luke told Tracy, who thought he was only saying that because he was giving up and she wasn’t going to let him. Luke then promised that if he lived through this, he'd return home with her and give her everything she ever wanted. Then, Jerry came in with the cure and Tracy snuck out. He prepared the syringe to try the cure on Luke but then Tracy pointed at Jerry's back and demanded he hand the cure over.
In his office at the hospital, Patrick looked at plane tickets in his office and thought about Robin. He jumped up and they dropped to the floor when Sabrina came in. She helped pick them up and saw two tickets to Paris. Patrick stumbled on his words when she asked if she'd ruined his birthday surprise for her. He then told her that the tickets had been him and Robin. She was embarrassed as he tried to explain it was Robin's birthday and she tried to leave. Patrick stopped her, realizing he was thinking about Robin so much but he was ready to let go. He talked about a future with Sabrina and how they would travel together, but first he needed to do one thing. He then ripped up Robin's tickets. They then confessed their love each other and kissed. Once he was alone, Patrick got a phone call.