On Wednesday evening MTV gave the world just what it’s been asking for--more Miley. Miley: The Movement documents the young stars’ current rise to complete pop-stardom. What the audience learned within the 90 minutes was that Miley’s sudden reinvention, has actually been in the works for quite some time. Although her recent risque and raunchy rendezvous have seemed rash, the star revealed that all of her exploits are simply a part of what she refers to as “the movement.”

Miley’s movement can be described as a culmination of art, expression, and emotional growth. In the interviews, Cyrus expresses that she felt prevented from being true to her self for many years in her early career. In short, the new Miley Cyrus that has been recently shocking the world was previously trapped within the constrains of a prudish Disney bubble. And oh, how that bubble has burst.

The documentary wasn’t all just twerk and games. In the private interviews, Cyrus states “I had to like grow up so quick” when discussing her child stardom. On her new transformation, the star comments “I felt like I could finally be the bad bitch I really am.” The documentary allowed fans and curious audience members to take a step back from the half-nude photos, the outlandish performances, and the bold new look to see a talented, and mature young woman.

One of the highlights of the TV-movie was the exclusive footage of the legendary VMA performance’s rehearsal and backstage. Though it appeared to viewers that Cyrus and her dancers simply came on stage and caused a ruckus, the footage revealed that there was shocking amount of orchestration before the awards show. The rehearsals revealed rigorous dance routines, and the star’s inner perfectionist was exposed. Upon the discussion about the media’s response to her performance Cyrus hits viewers with this hilarious comment “If I really wanted to come out and do like a raunchy sex show, I wouldn’t have been dressed as a damn bear.” One thing’s for sure, Miley Cyrus is back- and in a big way, and she doesn’t seem to be going anywhere soon.

“It’s a strategic hot mess” Cyrus states. Wherever this hot-mess of a movement is headed, the world will most definitely be watching.

Photo Courtesy of Twitter

