Ryan Murphy, the co-creator of Fox’s musical dramedy Glee, has confirmed that the show will end with its season six finale. The show was dealt a blow when Cory Monteith died, forcing Murphy and the producers to rework their vision for the final season.
Murphy attended a Paley Center event for FX Networks Wednesday night and spoke briefly on Glee, reports TV Line.
“The final year of the show, which will be next year, was designed around Rachel and Cory/Finn’s story,” he explained to the media. Murphy explained that he had the entire series finale finished in his head, with Monteith’s Finn character taking a major role. “I knew what the last line was – she said it to him,” he said. “So when a tragedy like that happens you sort of have to pause and figure out what you want to do, so we’re figuring that out now.”
Murphy, who is also working on FX’s hit American Horror Story and an HBO movie called The Normal Heart, added that he has a “good idea” for the new ending. “I’m going to tell the studio and the network [in a week] how after Cory’s unfortunate passing we can end the show that I think is very satisfactory,” he said, reports TV Line. “And kind of in his honor, which I love.”
This isn’t the first time we’ve heard that Glee will end after six seasons. Over the summer, Fox entertainment chief Kevin Reilly told reporters at the TV Critics Association Press Tour that he coulnd’t see the show going beyond the current fifth season and next season.
“Never say never, but there’s two very clear [story] arcs to get to that end and conclude,” Reilly said, EW reported at the time. “If we discover a new crop of kids and there’s some breakout we like … [but] right now, we’re thinking two seasons.”
Glee’s tribute episode to Monteith aired last week.
image: Fox