The Transformed Life was written by John Carter, pastor and founder of Abundant Life Christian Center in Syracuse, NY. He ministers to 3,000 members each week and the congregation is incredibly diverse. An astounding 35 different nationalities are represented in that body, and this man is truly gifted in speaking to many different cultural and socio-economic groups. He also speaks and preaches at churches and leadership conferences all over Africa, Eastern Europe and North America.
Given his many gifts, he is very qualified to write this wonderful book. He saw a need and proceeded to fill it. This book is a much needed tool for the novice Christian, someone just curious about what the Bible has to say or the life-long student of Christ. The book itself is both study book and work book combined, allowing the reader to thoroughly process that which has been read. It is great for personal study, small groups or bigger groups. It follows right along with this pastor’s gifts; it is good for many different people at many different stages of growth and many different sized group needs.
In the book, Pastor Carter details the process of Christian growth and how that process transforms us from lost, hurting and broken people into people who can help others. This book helps the reader to understand their purpose and relationship with God. The exercises in the book will help the reader to relate more deeply to the text and put what they’ve read into practice. This book shows people how to be involved in their Christian life, not just exist and sit on the sidelines.
I would definitely recommend this book to both the avid Christian reader and the non-Christian as well. It is also excellent for the seasoned Christian and anyone looking for an explanation of what is in the Bible.