The actor admitted recently that he has type 2 diabetes, which means he will not be taking on any roles that would require gaining weight.

The Big actor revealed the news about being diabetic on the Late Show with David Letterman. Since being 36, the Oscar winner admitted he had high blood pressure.

The 57-year-old actor said, "My doctor said, 'Look, if you can weigh as much as you weighed in high school, you will essentially be completely healthy and not have type 2 diabetes.'"

He added, "And I said to her, 'Well I'm gonna have type 2 diabetes.'"

Now Hanks has told BBC News that he will not be taking on any roles that would mean changing his weight. He was done doing that, they are "a young man's game."

"I've talked to a number of actors who have gained weight for roles and - just out of the sheer physical toll on one's knees and shoulders - no-one wants to do it again," Hanks added.

"I'm 57 and I don't think I'm going to take on any job - or go on any vacation again - and see to it that I can gain 30 lbs."

Hanks can be seen in the upcoming Captain Phillips out in theaters Oct. 11.

image: NBC