After revealing his abouse as a child, Tyler Perry opens up to fans, sharing a letter he wrote to himself.

The Christian Post reports that Perry dhsred s letter eith his fans, admitting that it helped him through his struggles.

In this letter, Perry tells his younger self, who is struggling with abuse, to hold on and keep strong.

"I know you are having it really hard right now and you spend a lot of time using your imagination seeing yourself running free in the park running away from all the pain.In the reflection of your very sad eyes I see the hurt of watching your mother be belittled and beaten," Perry Wrote. "As I search your young face for any sign of myself, believe it or not I'm able to smile. Because just behind all of that darkness I see hope."

Perry also included his belief in God, and how that helped him through.

"People are dying all around you, you don't think you'll live to see 30 years old. But there's a still small voice inside of you saying you're going to be ok," Perry wrote. "Looking back on it I know now that that is and was the voice of God. That is the only way to explain how you knew how to navigate your way through turbulent times."

Perry shared his true story with Oprah in 2010.

He shared horrific incidents of being beaten by his father, and how his mother struggled to leave him. He also told about different cases of being molested as a child.

By sharing his Story, Perry hopes other men will begin to speak out and allow themselves to heal.

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