Julia and Joel walk down the school hallway with Victor, leading him to his new 4th grade classroom. Joel pulls Victor into the boy’s bathroom to give him a pep talk, and Julia runs into Ed. Ed states that he’s sorry to hear about Victor’s move to 4th grade and tries to be positive about it. Joel and Victor come out of the bathroom, saying hi to Ed awkwardly.

Amber goes through Ryan’s drawer looking for something and finds a bottle of pills.

Max goes to see Hank and find’s Hank’s daughter, Ruby, sitting at “his” desk. Very annoyed, he kicks her out of the seat and Hank comes in. Ruby states she’s getting a donut, and Hank insists she ask if anyone else wants one. Begrudgingly she asks Max, and he says he wants one. She leaves and Hank and Max start working.

Kristina works on her campaign, making stops at stores, the kid’s school, restaurants, trying to earn votes. Heather advises her they are now only 2 points behind Bob Little.

As Crosby and Jasmine help campaign for Kristina in front of a grocery store, Jasmine tells him that the excitement of the election reminds her of voting for Obama, and how far race differences have come. Trying to connect with her, Crosby says that voting for Obama had a profound effect on him too, but it seems as though he’s lying or hiding something.

As Hank and Max work in the darkroom, Max advises Hank that he’s going to ask Ruby to be his girlfriend. Hank tries to tell Max it’s not a good idea, she lives far away, she’s moody, but Max just states that he’s going to ask her the following day.

Crosby goes up to the office at the studio and asks for Amber’s help with something creative. She quickly puts the paperwork she was trying to make sense of and follows Crosby. Crosby states that he needs her to make a guide track for a song the band is doing. The drummer sits in the sound booth with Crosby, watching Amber intently as she sings.

Amber comes home late to Ryan and she talks about her exciting day. Ryan is bummed out; he ordered Chinese food and got off early hoping for a romantic evening. She asks about the ring again, and if he’s OK with it. He says yes. She confronts him about the pills as well. He says it’s an old anti-anxiety prescription, but she noticed it was filled two weeks ago. He tries to blow it off that they fill it for him.

Joel sees a text from Ed on Julia’s phone, as she’s putting the kids to bed. She walks in and he states that she got a text from him, and that it looks as though they’ve been texting a lot. She states it’s because of working the sustainability work at the school. She changes the subject but Joel is very suspicious.

Crosby talks to Jabbar about the importance of voting, as they are walking to the polls. Crosby approaches the desk to vote but the volunteer doesn’t find his name and asks when the last time he voted was, leading us to believe that he is unregistered, and may never have voted. Crosby decides to just state out loud that he’s voting for Kristina and leaves.

Max asks Ruby to be his girlfriend. She tells him “no” as Hank witness the interaction. Hank pulls Ruby aside and asks if she would say yes, just so he can say he has a girlfriend, and that she’ll be in Minnesota anyway. Ruby storms out telling Hank that she’s going to call her mother.

Julia comes home with the kids and Victor is upset, throwing his backpack down and yelling at Sydney. Julia tells Sydney to go to her room so she can talk to Victor. Victor, mad about the situation, yells at Julie, calling her a liar when she said he was smart.

At the polling center, Adam admits to Kristina that he really didn’t want her to this, that she didn’t think she was ready. But now, very proud of her.

Hank talks to Sarah about how Max asked Ruby to be his girlfriend, and how Hank asked her to lie and say OK. Sarah states of course Ruby is angry, and that Max needs to learn that he can’t just have a girlfriend because he wants to, the girl needs to like him back.

Julie calls someone on the phone, stating that she’s called about 5 times but really needs to talk.

Jasmine comes home as Jabbar and Crosby play checkers. She gives Jabbar her “I voted” sticker. Jabbar states that Crosby voted in public, and asks if Jasmine voted out loud or privately, in the poll area.

The Ashes To Rome drummer plays the rest of the band the track with Amber’s vocal on it. Oliver states that he wants to leave her vocal in, instead of adding back-up singers. They go to a bar to celebrate.
Adam and Kristina give out donuts as people leave the polls. Heather has brought Kristina’s friend Gwen to the polling place. Gwen, now in a wheelchair, tells Kristina that win or lose the election, she’s already won.

As Joel and Peet work on construction plans, Julie walks in stating that she needs to talk to him. She tells him that she’s called 5 times, and Peet tries to excuse him, saying it’s her fault. Julia yells at Peet stating this isn’t about her. Joel stands firm and tells Julia she’ll talk to her when he gets home.

Jasmine confronts Crosby about not ever registering. She states that if Kristina loses by one vote, it’s all his fault.

Hanks talks to Max about relationships and that they are about more than just liking something similar. It’s about making the other person laugh and conversations. Max states conversations are hard. Hank empathizes and states that people like “us” it takes time but it will happen. Max thanks him.

Amber is at the bar with the guys and Ryan calls, worried because Amber was supposed to come home early. Assuming she’s been drinking, which she has, Ryan states that he’s coming to pick her up.
Outside the polling center, Crosby buys someone’s vote for $40.
At the bar, the drummer tries to console Amber about her fight with Ryan. Ryan comes in and begins to pull Amber away when Oliver, jokingly, asks, “Is this man bothering you?” Ryan grabs Oliver by the throat, then the drummer tires to break it up. Ryan starts hitting him, over and over again.

Zeek walks in to the police station where a crying Amber didn’t know who else to call.

In a hotel room, the Braverman’s have gathered along with all of Kristina’s campaign helpers as results come in. Joel comes in and he and Julia step outside.

Joel and Julia fight about Julia not feeling as though Joel is there for her and the family. Joel is angry feeling unsupported in his work, and “work” was only important when it was Julia’s. He storms off telling her that he’ll take care of the situation with Victor.

Julia speaks to a room full of supporters, stating that she just got off the phone with Bob Little, conceding the election. They all celebrate how close the election was.