Juan Santiago's arrival surprised Sabrina, Felix and Elizabeth at the apartment. Sabrina introduced him to Emma and Felix, but he knew Elizabeth and gave her a heartfelt hug. Sabrina wondered why he was there and then he held up her dress. She opened the cover and cried. It was her mother's wedding dress. She wanted Juan to stay but he told them that he was still on tour and moved to leave, but before he did, he asked Emma to take care of his cousin for him. Elizabeth walked him out, and thanked him. He then told her that he missed hanging out with her and Emily and mentioned that he was married. He then told Elizabeth to have fun at the wedding, "You never know what could happen." She went back inside and found Sabrina overjoyed.

Patrick opened his door and saw Ava. He remembered who she was and said that he thought that she and her brother were bad news. He then cut her short to get ready for his wedding but she told him that the wedding was why she was there. Ava then told Patrick that she didn't believe he should be having a wedding so soon. He wondered why she cared and asked if she was threatening him for Carlos. Ava then told him that Robin was alive. Patrick replied by saying that their game was sick and complimented her on the phone call pretending to be Robin. Ava told Patrick that she made no such call and confessed that Carlos saw Robin alive and told Sabrina. Ava then added that maybe a part of Sabrina knew it was true if she didn't tell Patrick. He replied by saying that he didn't know why Ava was doing this and that Robin would be with him if she was in Port Charles. Ava replied that she cared for Carlos, that he loves Sabrina and that he could be with the woman he loves, and maybe Patrick could be too. She then said that he shouldn't be so quick to get married if there was even the slightest chance Robin was alive. Once he was alone, Patrick looked at his family photo with Robin.

Brad wondered what Britt was doing in the lab and wouldn't let her leave with Luke's blood. He also wanted to know who the woman was that Nikolas brought to the lab. Britt told him, "It's none of your business," and then Brad questioned if that was because it was Patrick's dead wife. Britt joked that was insane and thinks Carlos sounded like an idiot but still wanted to know what Brad told him. Brad replied that he hadn't said anything but cared because of the relationship he was trying to build with Felix. Brad then said that if she didn't tell him, he'd have to confess that he wasn’t Ben’s biological father.

At Wyndemere, Obrecht told Duke that their alliance was over and pointed a gun at him in the catacombs. Anna surprised them but Obrecht claimed she was too late to save Duke and wanted Anna to drop her gun. Obrecht then said that she had done everything Faison had asked, but he only cared for Anna. She then threatened to shoot Duke to hurt Anna, who promised that if she did, it will be her last act on earth. Obrecht replied that she would rather die where she stood than give Anna a moment's peace. Anna then invited her to let Duke go and kill her. Duke then begged Anna not to sacrifice herself for him. Obrecht wouldn't be bested by her, so Anna put her gun down and begged her not to kill Duke. Obrecht then decided to shoot Anna but Duke broke free and took her gun. Anna and Duke kissed after Obrecht was tied up. Anna then told Duke that was going off with Robert to find Robin and they know she's at Wyndemere. Duke then told Anna to go find her daughter.

Upstairs, Robin was ready to attack whoever was about to burst through her door. Robert broke in and couldn’t believe that he was looking at Robin. She rushed over and hugged him. Robert told her that he knew when he saw her in Switzerland that it wasn't a dream. Robin replied that she was worried that Jerry would kill them and has hid from Patrick and Emma to keep them safe and added that she was eager to see Anna and have her family back. Robert replied that he was ready to make it happen.

Downstairs, Luke called to Faison from the living room. Faison came through the wall and said he was happy that Luke had joined the party. Luke then asked where Duke and Robin were as they circled each other, guns drawn. Faison said that he didn't think Luke had it in him to pull the trigger. Luke then reminded Faison how he stole Lucky, just like he stole Robin from Anna and Robert. Faison then taunted Luke, "If you really want to kill me, don't you think you would have already shot me." Luke then shot and Faison fell to the floor. He wished Faison well in hell but remembered to check Faison's pulse. Faison then overpowered him and the tables were turned yet again. He was ready to shoot Luke when Robert burst through the door. Luke knocked Faison over and took the gun. Robert wondered where Anna was. They tied Faison up and went to look for Duke and Anna. They heard activity near the wall and Robert pulled out his gun but both he and Anna surprised each other. She asked about Robin and Robert told her to see for herself. Anna cried when she turned around and saw Robin.

At the apartment, Maxie asked Ellie how Connie was. Ellie let her know that Sam was tutoring her and Spinelli in infant care and that Connie was fine. Maxie then said she was sad that Ellie was being a mother to Connie. Ellie tried to console her but Maxie said that she didn't know how she'd ever get Connie back when she didn't think she'd be a better person in six months. Later, Maxie reminded Mac and Felicia that she wasn’t going to the wedding when they arrived to pick her up. She told then that she'd only be thinking how she'd wish she could be there with Connie. They told her that Emma would want her there and Mac produced a dress when Maxie said that she didn't have a thing to wear.

At Sabrina's, Emma worried there wouldn't be a wedding while Felix was saying bad words while fixing Sabrina's dress. Sabrina explained to Emma that it was part of Felix's process. Emma then told Sabrina that she hoped she would marry her daddy today. Sabrina replied that she had waited a long time for this day and knew it would happen. Then, Felix came out announcing her dress was her something old and something new. Emma handed her a pink ribbon for something borrowed and Felix advised against Sabrina wearing a turquoise necklace from Carlos as her something blue. Emma worried it was bad luck when Sabrina was ready to take her chances to go without a something blue. Then, Felix got an idea and called Ellie.

At the penthouse, Spinelli thanked Sam for helping him with Connie as Sam got ready for the wedding. Silas arrived and wonders what this date would be like since all their other dates had been disasters. Sam asked Ellie if she was going to the wedding when she arrived. Ellie replied that she didn’t get an invitation. When Felix called Ellie to borrow something blue and he straightened out the problem of the missing invitation. Spinelli decided he couldn't tear himself away from Connie to go but encouraged Ellie to go. Before she left, Maxie arrived with a gift for Connie.

Back at Sabrina's, Felix asked what was wrong and she told him that she was certain she left an invitation for Ellie at the lab. She considered that Carlos was telling the truth about seeing Robin, who might have taken the invitation but Felix thought there was no way that was possible.

Robin and Anna rushed into each other's arms at Wyndemere. Both were crying as Robert held back his own tears. Anna told Robin that she knew she was alive but couldn't trust it until now and that she’d never lose her again. The three of them were hugging when Duke startled them from behind the wall. He was also overjoyed to see Robin and hugged her, requesting “no more tears, unless they're happy tears.” Robin couldn't believe they were all really there since it was the moment she'd been dreaming of. Anna wanted Robin to go home to Emma and Patrick, but then Robin showed her the wedding invitation. Anna was eager for her to go but Robin wouldn't leave until she knew Nikolas was accounted for and safe. Anna and Robert went to go look for Nikolas while Duke encouraged Robin to call Patrick. After Robin left a message that she was coming home, Anna and Robert reported back that there was no sign of Luke, Faison or Nikolas.

Elizabeth asked Patrick what was wrong when she arrived at his house. He told her Robin was on his mind, how Ava came by and relayed that Carlos saw Robin in the lab. He thought he should go to the lab and check it out. Elizabeth reminded him that Robin was gone and Ava was a known liar. She then added that she didn’t think he should chase Robin's ghost now. Later, Epiphany showed up looking for the groom and was upset to learn people were messing with Patrick. She didn’t let Elizabeth answer Patrick’s phone as they left.

In the lab, Britt explained to Brad how she had no choice but to tell Patrick that he was the father. He reminded her that Ben looks nothing like him and that she should tell him what was going on or he was going to expose that he wasn’t Ben’s father. Britt thought he just wanted to play hero like when he exposed Connie's true parentage. Brad replied that he just wanted to do the right thing. Britt then yelled that she couldn't talk about things because actual matters of life and death were involved and that he should just shut up about Robin. Brad then realized that Britt had answered his question and said, "So Robin is alive," as Patrick walked into the lab. Patrick thought Brad was finally taking an interest in his son and showed him a photo of Robin, told him it was his late wife and asked Brad if he'd seen her. Brad claimed that he didn't start working there until after she died before Britt told Patrick it wasn’t too late to call off the wedding if he was having second thoughts. He regretted having this conversation with her but Britt advised if he was still stuck on Robin, he should wait. Patrick replied that he was having no second thoughts and that there would be a wedding.

At The Metro Court, Bobbie was shocked to find Jerry tied up in Luke's room. She thought he died but Jerry explained that he would if he doesn't get the cure. Bobbie couldn’t reach Luke and went to the hospital for Jerry after he worried that she didn't care about him. Bobbie returned empty-handed and Jerry begged her to let him go. Later, Bobbie phoned in her regrets that she'd miss the wedding. After, Jerry called Luke while holding Bobbie at knife-point.

At Wyndemere, Anna and Robert tried to figure out where Faison was after Duke and Obrecht were sent on the launch. Then, Britt ran in yelling that she had Jerry's cure. Robert was smug when he learns she was Faison and Obrecht's daughter. Britt admitted she was as thrilled as he was. She was excited the nightmare was over but her spirits are dampened when she learned that Faison had Nikolas. Robert and Anna refused Robin and Britt's help and left to search Spoon Island. Once they were alone, Britt argued that Robin needed to leave after she told her how she saw Patrick in the lab looking for her. Meanwhile, Luke led Faison to the stables at gunpoint. Faison nodded to the door where a man was beating up Nikolas inside. The guy dropped his gun at Luke's request but another man pointed a gun at Luke from behind. Luke wanted to discuss terms but Faison told him that he had a boat with enough room for his men, him, Anna, and one hostage. Faison decided to leave their fates up to lady luck and flipped a coin. Outside, Anna told Robert that they needed a plan when she saw Faison and his men with Luke and Nikolas. Inside, Luke lost the coin toss and was ready to die when Anna burst in and offered to take their place. Faison refused her offer but she threatened to shoot herself. Luke then yelled, "I'm not worth it." Faison didn't think she'd leave Robin but Anna told him that Obrecht had killed Robin, Robert and Duke so she had nothing left to live for. He replied that he couldn’t agree to her terms and rushed her before she shot. During the distraction, Robert burst in and Faison and his men were subdued. They wondered what to do with Faison and Anna said, "He's all mine."

Later, Nikolas returned to Britt and Luke told Robin it was over. She left to see Anna and Britt gave Luke the cure, who planned on giving it to Sean. Luke was surprised when Bobbie calls but it was Jerry. In the stables, Robert wondered why Anna wasn't interested in the WSB taking Faison but Robin interrupted and Robert took her to Port Charles. Alone, Anna told Faison that he was a blight on her life, but stopped when Robert returned. She claimed there would be no prison for Faison and that after all he had done he had to die.

Spinelli wanted Maxie to leave when she arrived at the penthouse with a gift for Connie. Maxie replied that no judge could keep her from her baby and begged Spinelli to let her see Connie. Ellie didn't see the harm but Spinelli asked her to look at the judge's decree, which explicitly said he’d lose Connie and Maxie would go to jail if he let her near Connie. Ellie confirmed it but Maxie was relentless. Spinelli warned Maxie that he’d call the police if she didn’t leave. She finally walked away sad after he closed the door on her. She then left the gift she brought outside the door.

Friends and family gathered at the church for Patrick and Sabrina's wedding. Patrick and Elizabeth discussed Bobbie reconnecting with his dad at the Nurses' Ball after all these years. Elizabeth asked Brad who invited him after he signed the guest book. He admitted the maid of honor did. Epiphany was glad that Patrick's nerves were fine and was thankful he wasn’t letting Carlos' nonsense get to him. Patrick then told Epiphany that he couldn't have done this without her and thanked her for seeing him through. She accepted his complement and told him it was time to get it done. In the bride's dressing room, Emma was concerned the bad luck had begun when she heard Felix discussing Ellie not receiving her invitation. Then, Lucy came in and apologized when Felix handed her the script. She told him that she couldn’t marry Sabrina and Patrick because something came up. She was ready to rush off in tears when Felix stopped her. Lucy then told him that she wasn’t sure she believed in marriage anymore since hers was over. Felix replied that he knew her marriage was made of sterner stuff and didn’t think hers and Kevin’s busy schedules would end her marriage. Then, there was a knock on the door. Sabrina opened it and saw Patrick. They were left alone and Patrick confessed leaving the lab earlier and closing the door on his old life. He then told Sabrina that he loved her and couldn’t wait to start a new life with her. After he left, Lucy returned after Felix's pep talk and was ready to get the wedding started. Before rushing out, she left a blue hankie with Sabrina and Emma as her something blue. Outside, Patrick confirmed that he was ready to Elizabeth.

Everyone took their places and the music began. Patrick kissed Emma after she walked down the aisle as the flower girl. Then, Sabrina walked down the aisle. All were smiles as Lucy began the ceremony as Robin peered in through the doors.