Amazon announced that it would be releasing the first three episodes of its upcoming original series' Alpha House and Betas for free as it experiments with releasing episodes.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Amazon will allow anyone to watch the first three episodes of the two series for free, but then the rest of the episodes will require an Amazon Prime account.

The first three episodes will also be released at the same time, with the rest of the episodes following a more traditional method of once a week. The move is a bit between Netflix's method and the more traditional network style.

The Wall Street Journal reports that both series will be 11 episodes.

"Based on customers' enthusiastic response to the pilot episodes we are counting down the days until we can share more of the political and entrepreneurial exploits of our Alpha House and Betas characters," Roy Price, director of Amazon Studios, said in a statement. "Our goal is to make great TV shows that customers will love and we hope they're going to love these shows."

Alpha House was written Pulitzer Prize winner Garry Trudeau and is about four senators who share a house in Washington, D.C. Betas takes place in Silicon Valley and is about a group of friends trying to become rich off their new mobile phone app.

Alpha House, starring John Goodman, premieres Nov. 15, while Betas, with Ed Begley Jr., is out Nov. 22.

image: Amazon