Ann and John Betar, America's longest-married couple, are about to celebrate their 81st wedding anniversary Monday.

The couple's marriage has endured for so long, because they know how to compromise, says Ann, 97. “If you think a little bit about what you’re doing, and if it’s wrong ... we straighten it out, and if not we just try to go along with it,” she said, sitting beside her 101-year-old husband.

"The key is to always agree with your wife," said John.

But like just about all relationships, their marriage wasn't always perfect. "Marriage isn't a lovey-dovey thing for 80 years," said Ann. "You learn to accept one another's ways of life, agreements, disagreements—disagreements on our children, preparation on bringing up your kids. That was the main interest ... was (the) children.”

According to, the Betars eloped on Nov. 25, 1932 when Ann was 17 and John was 21. They married against Ann's father's wishes—he had planned for his daughter to marry a man 20 years older than her. "Everyone was hopping mad, and my wife's aunt consoled my father-in-law by telling him not to worry, the marriage won't last," laughed John Betar about their special day.

The couple has five children, 14 grandchildren and 16 great-grandchildren. They reside in Fairfield, Connecticut.

"We'll be together forever," said John, as Ann added, "somewhere we will be."

Image: YouTube screen shot