Alec Baldwin tends to make headlines for his comments and the latest one has Anderson Cooper calling him out on his language.
As previously reported, Baldwin called a photographer a c**ksucking f*g outside his Manhattan apartment.
Baldwin apologized later on Twitter saying, "Anti-gay slurs are wrong. They not only offend, but threaten hard fought tolerance of LGBT rights." He originally contended he said "fathead" and not "f*g," but it wasn't just that word that had people angry at the actor.
He tweeted GLAAD, saying, "Rick Ferraro from @glaad informs me that c'sucker is an anti-gay epithet. In which case I apologize and will retired the word from my vocabulary."
Though Baldwin may have apologized, Anderson Cooper isn't happy, E! News reports.
On Friday Cooper said, "Wow, Alec Baldwin shows his true colors yet again. How is he going to lie and excuse his anti-gay slurs this time?" Cooper added, "Just read Alec Baldwin's latest excuses. They are actually so ridiculous they are funny."
A Twitter user tweeted Cooper that Baldwin was free to say what he wants. Cooper responded, "I never suggested he had to apologize. He can say whatever he wants, but then why repeatedly lie about it afterwards?"
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