You’ve heard of Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but what about Giving Tuesday? After a day of giving thanks and then two days of getting gifts, Giving Tuesday is a day dedicated to donating to worthy causes. Now in its second year, Bill and Melinda Gates will participate in the day of giving.

The always philanthropic Gateses identified four specific organizations that they support and invited others to support them during this year’s Giving Tuesday on Dec. 3rd.

The first charity is Heifer International, an organization that allows you to donate an animal to a community in need. The animal provides a reliable income as well as food that will help the community for many years.

Two other Gates supported charities involve helping children. World Vision is a relief and development charity that works to identify the causes of poverty and then helps to bring children and their communities to their full potential. Save the Children provides children with protection when a disaster hits their community.

Finally helps public school teachers buy necessary learning materials through donations. Contributors can give anything from pencils for writing to microscopes for science class.

According to Look to the Stars, online donations rose nearly 50 percent from 2011 to the first Giving Tuesday in 2012. Nearly 50 million people helped publicized the movement, and this year will hopefully draw even more participants.

The Gateses expressed their appreciation for those who plan to donate on Giving Tuesday’s website.

“Whoever you support, and however much you give, thank you for participating in #GivingTuesday. It’s a great way to help create the better world we all want.”