The grievance hearing of New York Yankee superstar Alex Rodriguez ended a day earlier than expected, but it does not seem that the allegations against him regarding steroid use will be resolved in the near future.

According to USA Today, Rodriguez walked out of Wednesday's grievance hearing upon learning that arbitrator Fredric Horowitz wouldn't order commissioner Allan H. "Bud" Selig to testify.

The Yankee third baseman's lawyers were not in court Thursday, but did say that no further case will be made to Horowitz unless Selig testifies.

"We'll head to another venue after this is done,'' said Joe Topica, one of Rodriguez's lawyers. "We will be able to oppose Mr. Selig one way or another.''

ESPN reports that A-Rod's lawyers plan to "release all of the evidence" on Friday, as well as take the case to federal court regardless of Horowitz's decision.

"We're going to open up everything," said Ron Berkowitz, a spokesman for the 3-time MVP. "We're going to show everything we have to the press so they can show it to the American public."

"There's very important stuff that has not been heard," said Jim McCarroll, another of Rodriguez's lawyers.