Charlie Sheen’s ex wives, Denise Richards and Brooke Mueller, are now likely in a feud of their own after Mueller has accused Richards of abusing her twin boys with Sheen in addition to Richards’ own kids with the Anger Management star.

Richards got a visit from the police on Tuesday night inquiring about Mueller’s claim but Richards refused to let them in because she didn’t want her daughters to hear. She did, however, tell cops outside of her home that Mueller’s claims were "ridiculous" and "vindictive,” TMZ reports.

As we previously reported, Richards got temporary custody of twins Bob and Max, 4, back in May when Mueller got them taken away from her by the Los Angeles County Dept. of Children and Family Services. Mueller has been in and out rehab more than twenty times.

Richards asked to relinquish custody of the twins recently when they started acting violently against her kids.

A source told Daily News that it wasn’t Mueller who made the claim to the cops, stating, “It was definitely not Brooke. Brooke doesn’t want to ruffle any feathers right now. She wants everything to go as smoothly as possible.”

Bob and Max are currently living with Mueller’s brother, who has temporary custody of them.

image: Wikimedia Commons