In a letter to the L.A. County Dept. of Children and Family Services, Denise Richards, who has temporary custody of Charlie Sheen and Brooke Mueller’s twins Bob and Max, 4, included photos of an injury Bob allegedly obtained while at his mother’s house in July.

In the letter, which Richards wrote in an attempt to relinquish custody of the boys due to their violent behavior towards her three daughters, she shows before and after pictures of a big red mark on Bob’s face.

It isn’t clear what exactly it’s from, but Anger Management star, Sheen, thinks it might be a burn, TMZ reports.

Sheen is trying to prove that his ex-wife, Mueller, isn’t a fit parent. Mueller, on the other hand, was just denied a request for a temporary restraining order against Sheen.

He took to Twitter afterwards and wrote, “oh, by the way, nice try this morning Brooke. you are a chubby weirdo who will lose at every turn trying to get between me and my boys. C.”

He followed it up with a message for her on her birthday:

image: NBC