Evan Rachel Wood is not happy that the Motion Picture Association of America removed a sex scene from her new movie Charlie Countryman.

Wood believes that the MPAA's decision is sexist and hypocritical, Variety reports. The actress wrote on Twitter, "I would like 2 share my disappointment with the MPAA, who thought it was necessary to censor a woman's sexuality once again."

The scene in question involves a female character receive oral sex, but the MPAA demanded that it be removed and director Frederik Bond complied so the film would received an R rating.

"The scene where the two main characters make 'love' was altered because someone felt that seeing a man give a woman oral sex made people 'uncomfortable' but the scenes in which people are murdered by having their heads blown of remained intact and unaltered," Wood added.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, the actress wasn't done venting through Twitter. She also wrote that the MPAA's demands are "a symptom of a society that wants to shame women and put them down for enjoying sex." Wood added, "especially when (gasp) the man isn't getting off as well!"

Charlie Countryman is currently in limited release and follows Shia LaBeouf, as the main character, who goes to Bucharest and falls in love with a girl who is still into her violent ex.

image: EPK.TV