Lupe Fiasco cut a concert at the Depot in Salt Lake City short, after a person in attendance threw tomatoes at him.

The, well-known and lyrical, rapper was performing his hit song, “Kick, Push” from his album Food & Liquor when a tomato from the balcony was thrown at him reported Eur Web.

Fiasco stopped the song as fans booed and chanted curse words at the person who did it, but in the video the person could not be seen.

Lupe admitted that he was shocked that a tomato was not thrown when he performed his controversial song “Words I Never Said.” He addressed the situation before asking for the balcony to be cleared reported the Huffington Post.

"If there's more people like that out there, I need them the f-ck out of here,” he said. He also called the woman who threw the tomato a curse word and told security to find her. He then walked off stage; the crowd in attendance were shocked and thought he would come back on stage, but he didn’t.

Fiasco received support and backlash from fans online for the words he used toward the woman that threw the tomato and he addressed it on his Twitter page, in summary, he said he called the woman exactly what she was for her actions.

The incident can be viewed below at the 1:12 mark.

Video courtesy of YouTube.

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons.