Seth MacFarlane is known for his animated comedies, such as Family Guy and American Dad. MacFarlane is about to add to that growing resume. MacFarlane has been working on a new animated comedy and Fox has ordered the new series from MacFarlane. It appears that Fox is ready to expand its already profitable relationship with MacFarlane.

Deadline reported that Fox has picked up 13 episodes of Bordertown, which will be an animated comedy. MacFarlne and Mark Hentemann will be working on Bordertown. Hentemann created and wrote the story for Bordertown. Hentermann and MacFarlane will be executive producers on the show, added The Hollywood Reporter.

Bordertown will focus on a family living on the border of the United States and Mexico.

MacFarlane has been profitable for Fox already with his hit, Family Guy which brings in a younger audience to the popular 9 p.m. time slot on Sunday. Family Guy has a 2.5 average rating amongst adults 18-49.

The series has been in development since 2009. There is no official date set for Bordertown to arrive on television screens everywhere.

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