Over two decades after Ghost hit the big screen, it will be made into a television adaptation. The writers of Fringe will be turning the Oscar-winning film into a series for Paramount Television.
"We are thrilled to collaborate with Akiva and Jeff, two deeply creative and accomplished talents, on the television adaptation of this classic supernatural drama,” said Paramount Television president Amy Powell.
The Telegraph reports Jeff Pinkner and Akiva Goldsman will be writing the pilot episode.
The original cast of Ghost was comprised of Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore and Whoopi Goldberg, who won the Best Supporting Actress Academy Award. The film also won Best Original Screenplay and got nominations for Best Picture, Best Film Editing and Best Original Score.
Swayze’s character Sam was murdered and with the help of psychic Oda Mae (Goldberg), he communicates with his fiancé Molly (Moore) to avenge his death.
According to Daily Mail, when it came out in 1990, Ghost made $500 million globally although it was only made with $22 million.
The television series follows a musical based off of the popular movie, which debuted back in 2011.
image: Amazon