Photo Credit: FOX

In this episode of 'Glee' twerking and tattoos take center stage in Lima and New York.


Twerking has taken over McKinley High, especially in the Glee Club. Naturally this doesn't sit well with Sue, who takes on the epidemic and tries to get it banned (naturally she is unsuccessful, as Will makes a convincing case to the school board in its favor). Will also rebels against her by singing 'Blurred Lines.'

Meanwhile, Unique is having a hard time using the bathroom at school because being Transgender makes it hard to use the bathroom. She isn't welcome in the girl's room, but gets bullied in the boy's room. After singing "If I Were a Boy," Unique makes a plea for a Unisex bathroom--Sue uses this as her way to end twerking by installing a port-a-potty in the choir room. Because this is still insulting, Schu allows Unique to use the faculty bathroom, then makes a final deal with Sue. If Unique can have a key to the faculty bathroom, he will stop the Glee Club's twerking. They close the show with their performance of "On Our Way."

Marley also finds out about Jake's cheating with Bree after Bree makes fun of her inability to twerk and uses it as an opportunity to taunt Marley with the fact that she slept with him. After Jake doesn't deny it Marley runs off in tears and sings "Wrecking Ball." By episode's end it is clear the couple is on the outs, but unclear whether they have or have not broken up.


In New York, Rachel is desperately seeking to rebel in some way as a means of feeling alive again and snapping out of her Post-Finn funk. She pretends to cut her hair before a Funny Girl rehearsal, initially pissing off her director. However, after a stellar performance of "You are Woman, I Am Man" he loves it. However, it's just a wig.
She and Kurt decide to take more risks together and go to get tattoos. Kurt goes through with his, but learns his inspirational message of "It Gets Better," is not what it seems.Instead, it says "It's Get better." To add to his trouble, Rachel didn't go through with it.
He storms off to the tattoo parlor to get it fixed, only to find out it was his mistake. However, after a heartfelt talk with the artist, he gets it fixed...and a tongue ring.
Back at the apartment, he shows Rachel the new tattoo, which makes zero sense with its new message of "Its get Bette Midler."Here, he admits to Rachel that he really just wanted to get out of his own post-Finn funk.
After he leaves her alone though, Rachel reveals her secret that even Kurt doesn't know. She did actually get a tattoo, one that shows she may not actually be as over Finn as she claims.
His name is now tattooed on her ribcage.
Next week, the show takes on the music of Billy Joel.