Photo Credit: FOX

The episode started back at McKinley with a Sue Sylvester inspired career fair. There are no booths for jobs related to the arts because there is no future there. Instead, she has chosen jobs she deems more practical, like salad artistry and fecal sculpting.
Schu speaks with the kids and explains that the business is tough, but they can use role models to show them that while it is difficult, there can be some security. This begins the week’s Billy Joel inspired lesson. Because Blaine and Sam will be in New York as Blaine prepares for his NYADA audition and Sam prepares to audition for Hunter College’s theater department, they sing a song for everyone right away as they will be gone the rest of the week. They use ‘Movin’ Out’ to transition to New York nicely.
Back in Lima though, Artie has noticed that Becky doesn’t seem to have any big plans for the future and asks her about it. He is interrupted by Sue however, who informs him that Becky won’t be going to college, and will instead remain at McKinley as her “Beck-retary.” This doesn’t deter Artie again, who keeps after it, and finally gets Becky to tell him what she really wants after he performs “Honesty” for her. Becky does want to go to college, but she’s scared she will be made fun of the same way she used to be before joining the Cheerios. Artie assures her that won’t happen, and she always has him as a friend. Sue calls Artie into the office to confront him for not listening to her, but he informs her that the University of Cincinatti has a good program for people with Down Syndrome, and he’s taking her there for a visit, which Sue actually approves of. The two do go there, and it becomes very clear that Becky feels like she fits in there. When she returns to McKinley she lets Sue know that she does want to go there. Sue tells her she’s sad to see her go, but she’s proud that Becky is ready to move on with her life and even offers to help her with her application essay.

Meanwhile, the Marley/Jake/Ryder triangle has kicked back in again. Marley doesn’t want to forgive Jake for cheating on her, and tells him he will always be ‘that guy’ she was warned about. When Ryder confronts him about doing what he did, Jake explains that he is ‘that guy,’ and to leave him alone if he doesn’t like it, segwaying into “My Life.”
That performance prompts Marley to talk with her mom about her feelings. She admits that she misses Jake, but she can’t take the back and forth of the guy trying to get her forgiveness and the guy who acts like the victim. Marley’s mom praises her that she waited and didn’t sleep with him, because her first time should be with someone that she not only loves, but trusts as well. Ryder then asks her out, but she turns him down, prompting Ryder to sing “Innocent Man” to her and ask her once more. This time she sas yes, which Jake doesn’t care for.
The date went well for Ryder, who is ready to make them a couple on instagram, but Marley cautions him that just because they went out, doesn’t mean they’re going out, and she still needs some ‘me-time’ as she gets over Jake.
When Blaine and Sam return to the school to share their good news from New York (revealed later), it prompts a new song by Will and the kids through the halls of the school. They close out the episode with “You May be Right.”
Blaine informs Kurt that he has some back up plans at Columbia and NYU but, Kurt insists he has nothing to worry about and will get into NYADA easily. The exchange prompts a performance of “Piano Man” at the diner. Later though, Blaine says he thinks he wants to go Pre-Med instead…but Kurt knows better. Blaine is scared he won’t get in. Kurt promises him that even if he fails, he’ll be there to catch him. There was no need to worry though-Blaine did amazingly well with his audition.
Sam however does not do as well with his interview at Hunter, and afterwards confides to Rachel that he doesn’t really want to go to college, and would like to be a male model. Rachel sets up a photo shoot for him at the apartment, and his photos get him an interview with guest star Tara Banks, president of the Bichette Modeling Agency. She thinks he has a chance, but he needs to lose 10 pounds to do it. Rachel, Kurt, Santana and Blaine try to convince him that he doesn’t need to by singing “Just the Way You Are” to him. It works, and when he gets back to McKinley he informs everyone he will be a model, and he will do it without losing any weight.