The episode begins in Tokyo, where Five-0 “kidnap” Sato in an effort to locate Adam. Kono then leaves Chin and the team again to look for Adam alone.
Meanwhile, Grover has problems with his teenage daughter. He catches her talking to a boy via skype and, in his anger, takes the computer from her.
McGarrett and Grover are sent by the Governor to deliver an arrest warrant for unpaid parking tickets. When they arrive at the house and proceed to arrest the subject, Ian Wright (Nick Jonas), gunfire ensues and the two end up stranded with flat tires on their vehicles. Ian disappears, along with Grover’s daughter’s pink computer. During the course of the gunfire, McGarrett suffers a flesh wound and agrees to apply a homemade remedy from Grover to his arm. McGarrett also takes a print from one of the shooters killed at the scene.
They have no choice but to begin walking. Eventually, they come upon the shooters’ abandoned vehicle. They smell tear gas at the scene and find evidence of a dye pack explosion. There’s only one bank in the area that uses this for would-be robbers. They find horses nearby for transportation back to civilization and arrive at the bank, where the teller informs them that there has been no robbery. Upon investigation, they learn that the vault has indeed been robbed, even while a security camera focused on the contents within. (The footage on the camera has been replaced to remain constant on a stack of bills so that the emptiness of the vault is concealed until opened).
The print of the dead man reveals a four-man crew of robbers. Ian’s computer contains encrypted data with NSA-level firewalls, so the team assumes the robbers used Ian to help them commit their crime. They find that Eli Diamond, a defense attorney, is a connection and is probably the matchmaker between the robbers and Ian. Diamond is under house arrest while awaiting trial for tax evasion. When they track his ankle bracelet, they discover a sawed-off foot with bracelet still attached. Chin then traces Diamond’s car to a marina, where they find the remaining robbers attempting to escape with the injured Diamond.
McGarrett and Grover interrogate one of the robbers and discover it is Ian, not Diamond, that he fears. Chin then calls the two to the touchscreen, where he tells them Ian’s encrypted code has been broken. It turns out, Ian planned the robbery. He also has millions in an offshore account. He’s selling his skills to the highest bidder – and the robbery is just a test of the system. Not only that, but the company that designed the bank’s security system has won a contract to update all US embassies with the same system. McGarrett tells Catherine to contact the State Department and tell them their security has been compromised.
They trace Ian to the airport, where he sits with Grover’s daughter’s computer. He tells McGarrett and Grover that he has control of Flight 408 and will crash it unless they let him leave for Pago Pago. Grover mentions a deal, and Ian shoots back that he committed treason. There will be no deals. With help from Naval Intelligence, Catherine locates a second computer Ian is using to control the airline and manages to jam the signal. McGarrett and Grover then let Ian board the plane for Pago Pago, letting him believe he still has control of Flight 408.
Once Ian is on board, McGarrett and Grover then also board to arrest him. They find the pink laptop on an empty seat, with no sign of Ian. Passengers tell them he went to the bathroom and never returned. Passengers on Flight 408 disembark safely.
McGarrett and Grover meet back in the Governor’s Office, where they find each has taken responsibility for the day’s events. The Governor is pleased at how well they are now getting along and is also pleased that a lot of lives were saved with the plane’s safe landing.
Grover returns his daughter’s laptop to her, and they reconcile.
The episode ends when McGarrett goes to an ATM machine and is confronted with a message on the screen from Ian, telling him, “I should have paid the parking tickets.” McGarrett looks into the camera on the machine and tells Ian he will find him.