For the third year running, Jimmy Kimmel challenged parents to tell their children that they ate all of their Halloween candy and then record their reactions.

The results, as always, are priceless.

“For kids, Halloween candy is a sacred thing. For a lot of them, it’s the first time they ever earn anything,” Kimmel said while introducing the hilarious segment.

After hearing the news, most of the kids instantly burst into tears. Some kick and scream. One toddler even swears at her mom.

While leaning on his bed crying, one boy emphatically screams “I hate you!” When his mother reveals that it’s all a prank, he sheepishly cries, “Well, that’s not very kind!”

A pair of brothers sternly look at their parents in contempt. The older brother places his hands on his hips and says “You are not nice!” Once his parents give him back the candy, he admits that he still loves them, but then says “I don’t like Jimmy Kimmel anymore.”

Following the video, Kimmel thanked the families who make this >recurring gag possible.

“Thanks to all the kids and their terrible parents who pitched in.”

Watch the full segment below!

Image: ABC