Verrado cheerleader Megan Squire received some wonderful news this week. Squire and her family were recently contacted by Katy Perry's management to inform them that Megan along with a group of friends will be Perry's guest of honors in the upcoming American Music Awards which will be held in Los Angeles, CA this Sunday.

Squire and a group of friends from Verrado High School had entered a video contest and submitted their video, a spin on Perry's number-one hit Roar, in efforts to have the mega-star perform at their school. The young girl from Verrado High currently faces the difficulties of dealing with down syndrome but that didn't stop her from making her mark of being a cheerleader at school for an astounding four years. Even though the video was not the recipient of the first place award, Squire and her friends have plenty to be proud about. Perry went on to reveal that she was deeply touched by Squire's inspirational story and that she would be like to have Squire and her friends to be her guests of honor at this year's AMA's.

According to CBS 5 of Arizona, during a national televised event Perry said, “I have something very special for my friend, Megan, from Verrado High School. I want to bring Megan to a special event with me as my date, at an event I'm singing.”

She then went on to say, “I know which one it is. It's going to be very exciting.“

Squire and her friends should now be well on their way to spending a wonderful Sunday evening with one of pop's most iconic stars. A dream come true for an inspirational young girl.

Image: Wikimedia Commons