A new hashtag is trending on Twitter: #Obamatraffic. President Barack Obama held a ($15,000 per person) fundraiser in Los Angeles this Tuesday, but some L.A. drivers were not feeling especially patriotic when they found themselves in a massive traffic jam.

Celebrities, believe it or not, aren't immune to L.A. traffic. Some celebs like Charlie Sheen, Dax Shepard and Larry King made sure to alert the public to their plight through social media, but Kelly Osbourne took the complaining to a whole new level. Osbourne posted a running commentary in a series of Tweets, some of which might offend Americans (several are omitted for explicit language):

And finally her tantrum subsided:

ABC News reported that when the president's motorcade arrived in Beverly Hills at around 5:30 pm (a.k.a. rush hour!), several of the Westside's busiest streets came to complete standstills. Images of the traffic appear to be pretty much like what Carmagedon would have looked like if it actually happened. Then again, this isn't an isolated incident, as wherever POTUS and his posse go, traffic jams are unavoidable. Residents of New York City and Chicago experienced similar issues when Obama was recently in town. Luckily for West Coast drivers, Los Angeles was the last stop on the president's coastal fundraising tour that included visits to Seattle and San Francisco, according to Yahoo.