Maya Rudolph, of Saturday Night Live fame, is set to return to NBC. NBC is set to launch a variety series that will be headed by Rudolph.

According to, the pilot for the variety series will air following the Winter Olympics. The pilot will be presented as a special presentation following the games.

This project has been in the works for months. Following Up All Night not going forward with a planned multi-camera revamp, the cast started to receive other offers. Rudolph did not entertain the offers and suggested a variety show instead. NBC was amongst a few other studios that seemed interested in the project, but NBC landed the project, The Huffington Post reported.

Rudolph, Dave Becky, Erin David and Lorne Michaels are set to produce the variety show. Rudolph and Michaels also worked together on Up All Night.

Rudolph was on Saturday Night Live for over seven years, so odds are a few cast members might make appearances on the new variety show, but no cast has been confirmed.

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