On this week’s episode of New Girl, Jess took down take-out and Nick worked out.

Before beginning this recap, I’d like to remind the audience that I do not hate New Girl. I love New Girl and I know that it can do much better than it currently is. New Girl, to me, has lost its mojo.

Nick and Jess are together, so there is really no couple to root for. Schmidt isn’t as fun anymore. And Winston doesn’t really do anything. Sure, Coach might shake things up a bit but New Girl needs to make a change. What makes New Girl great is when they all hang out together- not focusing on one person or one relationship.

Nick having Chinese food for breakfast because a takeout menu was under the door and he wanted that food for breakfast. Jess tried to sass him for it but was distracted by the fact that he called her his girlfriend. She told him that she was trying to get the principal of the school to let her take her kids out on a field trip. Nick questioned why she should do it.

Jess said that she was going to do it anyway. After Jess left, Coach tried to talk Nick into working out so he doesn’t gain the “girlfriend 15” and becomes a slob. Winston said he would but he was injured. (He slipped on paper while eating an ice cream cone.)

Nick and Coach made fun of him because he is always injured. In proving to him that he was fine, he jumped and hurt himself again. So, Nick and Coach worked out.

At first, Nick was doing well. He was doing his pushups and jumping rope. Schmidt, who had tried to get Nick to workout for years, sat in his room and was jealous. He tried to put an alarm clock/camera in the room so he could watch the workout but Nick and Coach saw through his plan.

Meanwhile, at school, the principal rejects Jess’s idea to take the kids to the ocean. She tried to show him that, even though all of the kids were in Los Angeles, they still didn’t know what the ocean looked like. Sad, that the principal said no, Jess headed home.

Meanwhile, Nick had completely given up on working out. He had tricked Cece into bringing him Chinese food. Coach tried and failed to flirt with her. Then Jess came in and freaked out over the takeout menus.

Jess went down to the Chinese restaurant and demanded that the place stop leaving so many menus. The waiter said that he would talk to the manager. He asked her out and Jess was amazingly awkward.

When Jess got back home, there were more menus, so she freaked out. She chased the takeout menu deliverer down and found out that the waiter who said that he would talk to his manager was actually the manager. He said that he wouldn’t and closed the van door in her face.

She went back upstairs and found the guys eating the food. Winston said that MSG locked his jaw up and the menu said that the restaurant didn’t put MSG in their food. So she went to the restaurant and threw a fit. Because of that, she got someone fired.

When she went back to the loft, she found sad Coach. Coach said that he was trying to pump up Nick to make sure that he could still do his job. Since he couldn’t it made him sad. So, Jess and Coach sat on the couch, sad.

Nick stood up and did the best/worst pep talk ever. She said that they were both doers and people who don’t take action need people like them. That gave Jess an idea on how to get the kids to the beach.

Jess used the Chinese restaurant vans to get the kids to the beach. So, she saved the day.

While at the beach, Nick got Coach to train him as they ran. And, Jess told Schmidt that he could move back in.


So, what do you think of New Girl season three? Are they doing well or do they need to step up their game.