I own a classic Superman “S” Tee that I only wear once a year.  On Halloween I put that shirt on over my long sleeve, navy blue, NALC, mock turtleneck and then tie on the Superman cape that a dear friend gave to me years ago.  And then I go out into the world to do what I do.  Mostly that’s walking around delivering mail.  I do it shamelessly every year although one year I dressed as Green Lantern.  I got so sick of people asking who I was supposed to be that I went home and changed into Superman.  Everyday somebody drives by and waves, I’ve been on the same route nearly ten years, but Halloween is different.  Even this year after having done it for so long I was taken aback by the genuine smiles and joy that I saw in so many more people, young and old alike, I brightened their day and in doing so made my own day better.

Now admittedly I couldn’t have had a worse year to try to spend discretionary income that’s no longer there yet I bought a couple of bags of mixed candies, not the overpriced holiday bags but the regular ones, and gave them out to everyone I saw.  There was no ulterior motive or purpose, I was just deliberately trying to make someone’s day a little better. It was a great day!

Believe it or not, it’s not any more than I do on any other day as a plain old mailman but wearing that “S” lightened up many more eyes. Oh, did I ever feel like a rock star when I walked into the grade school, those kids went nuts. It’s really too bad that can’t be the case every day but if it were I’m of a mind that before long it would be status quo and no one would notice…

It may only be one day a year but that feeling of joy will hang around for a while.  Thanks, Superman, Mailman Mike’s not nearly that identifiable.  Here’s what I hope brings you some joy this week, beginning with DC Comics’ Batman Black and White #3 (of 6), $4.99, a series of short stories by various creators. The first issue was so good that I can’t wait to get the hardcover collection of this…

I’m really interested in IDW’s Comics about Cartoonists hardcover limited sketch edition, $40.00, which is quite literally a collection of comics about cartoonists by some of the best cartoonists in history.  This limited edition comes with a blank cover that you can have your own cartoonist draw for you…

Jeff Smith’s Bone Great Cow Race Artist’s Edition, check for pricing, may look simple enough but when I visited with Jeff recently on his Rasl book tour, he spoke about this project and how you could see the white out on the pages where he wasn’t happy with the placement of the characters.  He would completely redraw them an inch or so either way. He laughed and said he’d never do that now, but that’s what’s so great about these Artist’s Editions, scanned from the original pages every mark and remark is there to see. I may already have five different versions of this book but I’m so anxious to get my hands on this…

Zombies come to Riverdale and Archie Comics in Afterlife with Archie #1 2nd printing, $2.99, by Roberto Aguirre-sacasa and Francesco Francavilla. A lot of people were interested in this simply for the Francavilla art and apparently it was much better received than expected. I haven’t read this one yet but I’ve heard very good things and people keep asking me about it…

Quantum and Woody #5, $3.99, by James Asmus and Ming Doyle for Valiant Entertainment is another highly popular title.  The first story arc is done and we’re settling into how the story will move forward for everyone from here…

And there are plenty more that are not listed. For a more complete list, feel free to visit your local comic store or favorite site. If you’re interested in more of what I think, follow me on Twitter at Mycomicstore001 or like my Facebook page.

Michael R. Murray is a full-time Letter Carrier for the United States Postal Service had a cool Spider-Man costume idea once but only ever received the gloves and not the actual costume that he ordered.