Spike Lee slammed designer Juan Luis Garcia for contacting him over copyright claims on design concepts used to promote his struggling new movie Oldboy.

Garcia penned an open letter to Lee after the designer realized some of his concepts were being used by an ad agency to promote Oldboy without compensating him, according to The Hollywood Reporter. In the letter Garcia asks for Lee's help instead of getting lawyers involved.

"I couldn't believe that you had been using and claiming copyright on three of those very same posters I designed," the letter says. "I just couldn't believe it. I perceive you as an advocate of the arts and artists and have a sinking feeling that you are as much a victim in this as I am."

Apparently the Do The Right Thing director feels otherwise as he tweeted on Thursday, " I Never Heard Of This Guy Juan Luis Garcia,If He Has A Beef It's Not With Me.I Did Not Hire Him,Do Not Know Him.Cheap Trick Writing To Me.YO."

"I don't want to sue anyone, it's not in my nature, but if that's what it comes down to, so be it," Garcia wrote in an email to THR. "I'm thrilled he liked the posters and hope they continue using them, but I need to be renumerated."

The Guardian reports that online commenter's are siding with Garcia and are not happy with Lee's response.

User @NevPierce wrote, " Or it might be the last resort of a desperate man? Could be BS, but surely worth a call or two, given it's your movie." @grillermo chimed in, " Whether you wanted it or not, now you know and if you don't act you are as guilty as that scumbag of agency."

image: EPK.TV