This episode of Survivor: Blood vs. Water begins on Night 24 of the game. Upon arriving back to camp from last week’s tribal council, Laura and Cierra realize they are the last couple still in the game. Ciera feels they have had the ultimate role reversal—she is the leader and stronger player, and her mom’s the one taking her directions. Ciera also thinks it may be time to let her mother go to further her own game.

Next, the survivors face off in the Redemption Island Duel. The challenge is between Aras, Vytas, and Tina. The game consists of throwing a grappling hook to retrieve three separate bags with a ball in each. Once all three bags are retrieved the player can use the balls to complete a table maze. Tina retrieves all her bags first, followed by Vytas, then Aras. At one point, Tina is close to winning, but suddenly her ball falls through the hole at the end of the maze! As such, Vytas finishes first. The battle continues, and it is a close duel; however, Tina comes in second. Aras is last in this challenge, and his time on Survivor is now over. However, he admits to Jeff that this experience has been worthwhile and has brought him and Vytas closer as brothers and friends . Aras is now the first member of the jury. In addition, as the winner of the Redemption Island duel, Vytas decides to give the clue to the hidden immunity idol to Katie. For once, a survivor contestant decides NOT to throw the clue in the fire, and Katie keeps it for herself!

Back at camp, Tyson, Hayden, Caleb and Gervase convene and decide to take out Laura M. before Laura and Ciera, now a power couple in the game, can make an alliance with someone else.

It is now time for Laura and Ciera, mother/daughter, to have a serious conversation. Ciera is upset because she believes it is time to let her mother go. Ciera feels she may have a better chance to win the game, and it may be pointless to keep her mother around, because Laura will have to fight for her safety week after week. Laura says how proud she is to see her daughter’s courage and growth throughout the game. Laura continues to say that the strength her daughter has shown is worth more than a million dollars to her.

It is now Day 26 of the game, and Katie decides to get up at daybreak to go search for the hidden immunity idol (which, if all remembers, Tyson already has in his possession). Laura follows her, knowing that she may be next if Katie finds the idol. Meanwhile, Tyson approaches Ciera about voting out her mom, and Ciera claims to be on board with the plan.

Next, it’s time for the immunity challenge! Survivors must stand on a platform and hold onto a rope while leaning back over the water. The last survivor standing wins immunity and reward. Hayden is the first to drop, followed by Kaleb. Next out are Gervase, Ciera, and Katie. Next to go is Laura. It comes down to Tyson and Monica. They both look strong and steady, but Tyson is quickly starting to tire. He drops and Monica wins the challenge. She is given the immunity idol and shown a mouthwatering platter of hotdogs, hamburgers, fries, and soda. She is asked to pick one person to enjoy the reward with her. She asks Jeff if she can trade places with the rest of the tribe and give them the reward, knowing she will get none of it, and Jeff agrees. The survivors profusely thank Monica as they devour the food.

Back at camp, Katie and Ciera are sitting in the hammock and Ciera gets Katie to admit she does not have the idol by convincing her she has it. Ciera quickly brings this news to Tyson and throws Katie’s name out as a possibility to vote out, hoping she can save her mom for another week. However, this move makes Tyson realize what a good game player Ciera actually is and he begins to feel that they need to break up the final couple. At the same time, Caleb feels they should vote out Katie because he does not want her to “float” any further in the game.

Finally, at tribal Council, Laura is voted out unanimously. Ciera commits the ultimate betrayal and writes her name down, as well. Laura is clearly upset, but she still wants her daughter to go far in the game. What will happen now that all the pairs have been broken up? Will the remaining members of the alliance split up, and will Katie live to see another day? Time will tell on the next episode of Survivor: Blood vs. Water!