On Preachers of L.A: Deitrick’s family comes for the official wedding, but does not know that him and Dominque are already married and living together, the first ladies gather to catch up, Noel Jones has a revelation about his relationship with Loretta, Loretta has a surprise for Noel, Dominique has a bridal shower, and Myesha performs at Gospel Fest.

First Lady Lavette met with Dominique, Myesha, and Christy to talk and catch up. Dominique and Deitricks wedding is around the corner, but Lavette and Ron will not be able to make it due to an event they have in the Dominican Republic; however, Lavette wants to give Dominique some last minute advice. Dominique asks the women, “How do you guys keep your love life thriving?” Each woman gave their response, but Myesha refused to say the word “sex.” She used the word frequency as a substitute, but the viewers couldn’t be surprised because Myesha appears very conservative, something the last episode showed.

Dominique told the ladies that Deitrick’s family will be coming in from Detroit and she is hesitant because of her previous interactions with them when she was pregnant with her daughter Destin. However, “over time they have accepted me” Dominique said. Myesha had no problem asking her tough questions about why she has a rocky relationship with Deitrick’s parents, “You think it’s because you got pregnant?” she. While everyone at the table was taken back my Myesha’s bluntness, you could tell that she was saying what they were thinking. Dominique stated that, that, of course, contributed to it, but that her problem is mostly with Deitrick’s mother, “She made me feel like I talked him into sex and talked him into getting me pregnant.”

Noel Jones: He woke up feeling under the weather and didn’t know what was wrong with him. He decides to go see a doctor, but not before he got some words of wisdom from his friend, “But you know what the best medicine is a good woman.” The doctor tells him that his cholesterol is elevated and his blood pressure is in a bad range. When Noel explains that he runs a busy schedule, traveling to different places to preach, the doctor tells him that he needs to slow down, “Take my advice and take it easy.” The doctor tells him that he needs someone that can watch over him and help him slow down, by the look on Noel’s face he is thinking of Loretta, “I need somebody who has been in my corner.”

Deitrick Haddon: Dominique asks him if he has told his family that they are married and living together, to which he tells her “No I didn’t tell them anything.” The two begin to talk about Dominique’s relationship with his mother; he doesn’t like the tension between them. His mother built up a negative image of Dominique that Deitrick did nothing to stop. Dominique expresses what his mother said to her and how she treated her, but Deitrick defends his mother. “His mother has this image in her mind that Deitrick is perfect and has no mistakes,” Deitrick has the same image of his mother also, which hinders him from seeing his wife’s point of view.

When his parents come tension can be felt. Dominique is withdrawn and quiet, “His parents absolutely intimidate me.” Deitrick mom is being nice she asks about the wedding and if any help is needed. But Dominique’s hurt seems to blind her from Mama Haddon trying. The Haddon’s go to dinner and Deitrick, scared and nervous, confess, “I got a surprise for both of ya’ll…. We’re already married.” This is the part where I expected trading of scripture, stiff lips, turned up noses, and a few choice words, but none of that happened much to the surprise of viewers and Deitrick.

His parents are okay with it and his father asks to christen his granddaughter Destin, peace was established, but only temporary. Deitrick, who had to step down after his daughter out of wedlock, feels that he should be reinstated now he is a married man, his father doesn’t approve. His father has the final say on whether Deitrick can come back to the church and his father tells him that he has to lay hands on him because he has fallen. Deitrick’s face becomes tight at the words “fallen”. “When my dad says I have fallen it makes me feel like I have fallen from his standards.” The tension between father and son can be felt and Dominique feels like Haddon Sr. is on her husband’s case similar to how Mrs. Haddon was on her, she doesn’t want him putting his son down. The dinner ends without further problem, but Deitrick isn’t happy.

Wayne Chaney: Gospel Fest is going to be taking place and Myesha is in charge of it, since she is executive pastor. Three minutes before the event kicks off, she is alerted that there is no sound. Myesha is upset because sound check should have been done a day before, so she calls her husband, Wayne. Wayne is also upset but he doesn’t take it out on Myesha, he tries to find a way for sound to be brought back. Best quote of the night from the upset Mr. Chaney is “I’m trying to keep my godly disposition, but if this doesn’t get fixed soon, heads will roll.” Sound was restored, so heads did not roll, and Myesha closed Gospel Fest with a lively performance and a bit of twerking for Jesus.

Loretta: She is at JJ’s Bistro when Noel comes to talk to her. Noel tells her that they need to talk, but his tone concerns her. He asks her how she is doing and tells her that the doctor told him that he needs to slow down; he needs someone to slow him down. The time apart suggested by his therapist in the last episode gave him a revelation “I’m finding out that you play a major part of my life.” He ask her if she wants to finally be official. While this moment is sweet it’s also suspicious. Now that Jones is sick, he wants to give her what she has wanted for 16 years.

This is becomes the moment of truth, he is talking a good game so of course Loretta is willing to go along, but Loretta doesn’t. She tells Noel that she missed him during the break, but the break was necessary for both of them to help them reevaluate their relationship. She says, “Let me think about it. It took you 16 years. Please give me some time.” Noel is surprised, “I pushed Loretta aside, so I’m in deep water. But I think, I’m feeling now, that I need her.” Even though he knows what he put her through his selfishness is more important, to him, than her feelings.

I am glad that Loretta told him to let her think about it. I’m hoping that she finds a new man, the woman is gorgeous, and only keeps Noel as a friend. Everyone told Noel to get with her before he lost her, but he never thought she was ever going to leave him, but the tables have turned and I want Loretta to be victorious.

Dominique & Mama Haddon: The two important women in Deitrick’s life talk and Mama Haddon apologize to Dominique for the way she treated her, “If you will forgive me for the way I handle some of the things.” Dominique opened up to her that she felt that Mama Haddon was more concerned about Deitrick’s image than her and Destin; she came to her for spiritual guidance but instead she was chastised like a child. Deitrick’s mother doesn’t deny that she was more concerned about his image than anything else, but she was sorry, “This is what’s coming from my heart. I really really want you to forgive me…” The two patch things up and Dominique invite her to the bridal shower.

Bridal Shower: The event is held at JJ’s Bistro and Loretta is kind enough to cook for the event. Dominique is all smiles, but is surprised when Mama Haddon decides to give a toast. In the toast she praises Dominique for being the special type of woman that can not only deal with her son, but change him for the better. After the toast, the gifts are opened, gifts that Dominique can use on her wedding night. The gifts in question were so steamy that it set on fire.

Tune in next Wednesday to see Dominque and Deitrick’s wedding on Oxygen at 10/9c!

Photo courtesy of Amazon.