Biopics are difficult films to tackle because it is hard for filmmakers to create a vision of a real person’s life in an accurate and effective way. It is hard to keep biopics historically accurate while keeping the sincerity of the person’s character intact. Much time and research must go in to biopics because of this, and they are not easy feats to tackle. There have been some biopics that have not been so successful (we’re not even going to talk about Alexander or Miss Potter). There have been times, however, when the filmmakers and actors got them oh, so right.

There has been a lot of buzz lately about many upcoming biopics, with ones in the works about Lance Armstrong, Marvin Gaye, Miles Davis, and Jimi Hendrix among others.

To get excited for these biopics while we wait for their release and also to remember some of the best ones to grace the silver screen, we are counting down the top ten biopics of all time.

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