The most memorable part of any childhood is Saturday morning cartoons! The process goes a little something like this: Waking up super early in the morning, settling down with a huge bowl of cereal, and waiting for your show to come on. If you were like me you probably didn’t care to brush your teeth before chowing down on a huge bowl of cereal, all that mattered were the colorful characters on the television screen. When you grow up and watch those shows again you may wonder what your younger self was thinking, but some shows are so timeless and classic that they can make us nostalgic for those Saturday mornings. Classic cartoons can stand the test of time because we usually take the time to share those cartoons with our younger siblings, children, and so on. See if these cartoons take you back to those Saturdays when you stayed glued to the television without a care in the world.

10. “We are the Littles”
This show was about a family of mouse-like creatures that go through adventures and keep each other safe from the dangers of said adventures.

9. “Magic School Bus”
Ms. Fizzle was an awesome teacher that gave a new meaning to the term “hands-on.” I know I wasn’t the only one that wanted to shrink to the size of insects or go inside a fellow classmate.

8. “Gargoyles”
This show was pretty dark, but I liked it. It seemed to cool to believe that statues came to life at night and turned into crime fighting gargoyles.

7. “Captain Planet”
This show made the idea of keeping ones environment clean appeal to children by making it cool, diverse, and colorful. I say Captain Planet deserves his own movie and Don Cheadle should play him.

6. “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”
This show is a classic and you can tell by how many remakes it has gotten throughout the years. No generation is going to ever not know the awesomeness of Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo.

5. “Pepper Ann”
We laughed, sympathized and understood Pepper’s awkward moments of growing up and being in middle school. She taught us that no matter how bad it got, she would always be worse off than we were.

4. “Recess”
This show centered on a group of friends who taught up and coming fourth graders the rules and hierarchy of the playground. How many of you guys remember saying “This wamps” when getting in trouble?

3. “Arthur”
You won’t be alone if you admit that you still watch the show. This show continues to reach kids. Arthur is a special aardvark that will always have a place in our hearts even when we are old and gray.

2. “Jem”
You can’t deny that this show had some of the best songs a cartoon could ever have. We will ignore Rio’s slowness, but Jem truly made us want a synergy to turn us into a singing star even if we couldn’t sing.

1. “Animaniacs”
This is when WB50 still had the tap dancing frog. The Animaniacs are too great for words. I don’t even think I can express how great of a show this was it was educational but snarky in the same sense. This is a show that was all around well written and well done. I can’t ever see it duplicated, but luckily for us the episodes are on YouTube.

Videos courtesy of YouTube.