In the opening scene Peter and Elizabeth are about to shower at home, when he gets a chill. Elizabeth asks if he got his flu shot, but he says he hasn't gotten sick since the 90s. Meanwhile, Mozzie is talking to Neal about the importance of bees, and asks if he can put some beehives on the balcony. Neal immediately tells him no, but then decides to let him have one hive.

As Peter and Neal are walking to work, they run into Neal who was waiting for them. Elizabeth is carrying a briefcase of art prints, but Neal assures them he wouldn't steal from them since they are on his friends and family plan. Neal holds up the newspaper showing the Wolcott heir, Patrick Wolcott, just returned after 15 years of evading an international man hunt. Elizabeth used to work for the Wolcott family years ago, and said he ran away from the family when he was at a boarding school for the summer.

Elizabeth arrives at the Wolcott's just as Stanton, the beloved butler is leaving with his bags. As Elizabeth walks inside Bea, the teenage daughter, is furious that her father, William, fired him, and believes that Stanton leaked information about the family to the press. Patrick comes down and greets Elizabeth, reciting some Italian they learned in Italy together. They go sit down to talk. Patrick tells her he was tired of living by his Dad's rules and decided to run off after saving all his allowances. The only reason he came back was because the press has been talking about his father's illness. Elizabeth brings out the art prints and begins flipping through. Patrick picks out the Picasso. Elizabeth is shocked because the young patrick detested Picasso, and she only put it in as a joke. He says that tastes change, so Elizabeth has the gallery send it over.

Elizabeth returns home and calls Neal. She knows this is not the real Patrick Wolcott, and asks Neal if he will investigate. Neal goes in to talk to Peter, who is starting to sweat, cough, and sneeze, and is clearly in denial about having the flu. Neal tells him the situation and that Elizabeth called him. Peter doesn't think this Picasso deal is reason enough to investigate, but Neal says it would be like if one day he woke up and was a Red Sox fan. Peter admits he would have to be a totally different person for that to happen, so they decide Neal will go under cover and be the new butler. They bring Stanton into the office turn learn about the Wolcott's, but he is reluctant to tell them anything and doesn't believe Neal is a butler.

Neal shows up at the Wolcott house as Carlisle, and greets Bea with some tickets to a literary reading, which is her favorite. Patrick just comes in from riding his bike, but refuses to let Neal take his jacket or helmet. As Bea is leaving to walk to dog, it starts barking at Patrick. Neal goes to Patrick's room to clean up, and finds a glass. He fingerprints it, but quickly discovers there are no prints. As he is snooping around the rest of the room, he calls Peter to let him know either this kid is a germaphobe or has something to hide.

Back at the office, Peter brings some files for the group, but he starts sweating, and runs into the other room. Clinton puts him on speaker phone form the other room, and tells him that he needs to go home.

Elizbaeth is at the Wolcott's and the Picasso just arrived. Patrick comes to look at it, and reminds her of the time he went on a rant about cubism. Upstairs, Neal is about to bring a suit to Patrick's closet, but Bea is in there readying Patrick's journal. Neal asks how they are getting along, but she says he just tells her things she already knows. Patrick is coming up the stairs, so Bea hides in the closet. Neal gives Patrick a jacket to wear, and says it will make his father happy. Neal questions him about his time away, and asks about his journal, which is all wet. Patrick explains he dropped it in the Aegean. As he puts the jacket on him, he snags one of Patrick's cuff links.

Neal goes to Peter's house, who is sick lying on the couch. He shows him the cufflink, and demonstrates with Elizabeth how he got it off his arm without him noticing. Clinton calls, and tells them that the print doesn't have a match.

At home, Neal is telling Mozzie how sick Peter is, and he says this is a perfect time for him to try out his bee therapy. Mozzie goes to Peter's and takes three vials.

Back at the Wolcott's William and Patrick are having an argument at the table, and Neal tries to take Patrick's plate, but he turns over the fork. A delivery comes to the door, but Neal redirects it to Peter's house. Peter and Elizabeth decide to open it, and it is a legal document signing over Patrick's $40 million trust fund. Elizabeth decides to go to the Wolcotts and explain.

William is outraged that Elizabeth would make such accusations, and says that if he is the real Patrick he should have no problem with a blood test. Patrick walks in, just as Neal is about to give WIlliam his insulin. He takes the needle and takes his own blood. A couple hours later the test results are in. William announces Patrick is his son, and fires Elizabeth. Patrick goes to leave and walk to the dog, but Neal says that he already did it. Patrick retorts that the dog is feeling sick, so he is going to the vet. Neal says no need, he will drive him there. Outside the vet, feeling something suspicious is going on, Neal follows him. Neal sees him having the vet remove a small tube from his arm.

Neal calls Peter to fill him in, and he explains its called a Penrose drain. This means that the blood must be fresh, so that the real Patrick is somewhere in Manhattan. They devise a plan. Peter shows up at the Wolcott's asking to see Patrick posing as Leo Covack, a man from Dusseldorf. Peter acts enraged, saying that he remembers what he did, and he can make it go away but he has to give him some answers. Patrick says he will call him. Immediately Patrick leaves for a bike ride. Neal and the team have agents following him all over the city. They loose him, so Peter and Neal take the car and follow him. He stops outside a brownstone, where they see puddles of water trickling. Remembering about the wet journal, they go inside. Downstairs they find the real Patrick tied up, and the fake Patrick questioning him. Peter explains that they met each other while in Greece, and he offered to come home with him, but then held him hostage and decided to pose as him to take the money.

They bring the real Patrick back to the Wolcott's and they all greet him, immediately knowing it is him.

Check out a clip below: