Keanu Reeves spoke with the Today show on Monday and said he would love to do a Bill & Ted sequel.

NBC News reports that The Matrix actor said, "I'm open to the idea of that." He noted, "I think it's pretty surreal, playing 'Bill & Ted' at 50. But we have a good story in that."

During promotion for his latest film 47 Ronin, Reeves said that they had been trying to secure funding for a third movie to follow Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure and Bogus Journey.

Though Reeve might be excited about the possibility of revisiting one of his most famous characters, he can't be too happy about the reviews for his latest flick, which is getting savaged.

TheWrap's Diane Garrett writes that the movie is "often confusing" and there is quite a lot not to like from the movie. The movie is a CG-fest and isn't guided well by freshmen director Carl Rinsch.

The trailers also showed that Reeves was the star of the film, but THR's David Rooney notes that too often his half-blood character gets knocked to the sidelines.

The screenplay is also confusing as it tries to add supernatural action into a deeply popular Japanese tale and leaves both Western and Eastern audiences confused and uninterested.

image: Universal/