On the season finale of The Preacher of L.A: Deitrick Haddon and Dominique get married, Deitrick and his family make peace, Ron Gibson goes to visit his sister Shaun, Noel Jones, who is supposed to officiate the wedding runs late, and a secret is spilled at the end.

Noel Jones : He and Loretta catch up and they talk about the bridal shower and the wedding gifts that caught on fire.

Deitrick Haddon : Deitrick is rehearsing for the wedding at his place with his family and his father asks to speak to him. Deitrick seems hesitant but follows his father. Pappa Haddon praises his son, telling him “I’m very very proud of your success and how you have overcome the obstacles you have faced over a year ago.” Deitrick admits that it hurt that he had to walk away from his father’s church, but it feels good that his father has confidence in him. With the air cleared between them, Deitrick asks his father how he really feels about Dominique. Pappa Haddon really likes her and can tell that she genuinely loves Deitrick and will support him, “I bless you today.” The two embrace burying the past between them.

Unfortunately Deitrick didn’t just have problems with his father, he had them with his siblings as well and when they come together to talk, all those problems are rehashed. When Deitrick got Dominique pregnant he never told his siblings and that hurt them a lot. “I’m scared to tell you,” he replied after they told him. However, to them, it said a lot that he was scared to tell the people, who would have supported him and not judge him. He pushed them away and it hurt, especially his older sister Zina, who cried. Deitrick pledged to be open and honest with them and he did so by confessing that “Dominique and I are already married.” While the gesture was nice, it still bothered his siblings because it was another big secret he kept from them. He apologized, “I want ya’ll to forgive for all that I’ve done wrong,” and they hugged it out.

While preparing for the wedding Deitrick’s nerves are getting to him. He decides to see his wife before the wedding because he doesn’t believe in the superstition “the groom shouldn’t see the bride before the wedding.”

Wedding : With an hour left till show time Noel Jones has not shown up. With 45 minutes left he calls Deitrick and tells him that he has been stuck on the tarmac for four hours and that he should get Jay Haizlip to officiate the wedding. Deitrick immediately calls his sister Clarita to tell her the situation and she relays it to Dominique. Deitrick is dead set against his father marrying them because his father did his fist wedding and “it didn’t work out.” When Jay Haizlip comes to see how Deitrick is doing, Deitrick asks him to do the wedding and he does not quickly respond with a “Yes!” Jay usually talks to the couples he marry to make sure they have realistic expectations of what is to come, but he decides to do it for Deitrick while taking a few minutes to talk to Dominique. It can hardly be called a counseling session, but Jay does tell Deitrick that after the wedding he would really like to talk to them.

The wedding takes place, without further problem, and the two officially become husband and wife in front of their friends and family. At the reception Dominique and Deitrick decide to give their family breaking news, Dominique is pregnant with their second child. Congrats to the beautiful couple!

Ron Gibson : It has been a month since his sister Shaun has been on the path of recovery and he decides to visit her to see how she is doing. Despite drug use Shaun already looked good for her age, but she looks so much better and Gibson agreed. He asked her how she felt and she told him she felt better, “I feel absolutely wonderful, everything is falling in line.” He comments on the physical difference he can see in her, such as her eyes and her body. After complimenting her, he tells her about a church he has in mind for her and that opens up a deep scar for Shaun. She admits that she has had some resentment toward Ron and God, “I have had so much resent over the years with God because why did he do it for you and he did not do it for me.”

It’s a question that has plagued her for years. She wanted to know why he was instantly delivered and his life prospered, but she asked for deliverance from the same God as well, but she has had to go through a hard path. It hurts Ron to see his baby sister think like that and feel like that, but he doesn’t know the answer either. He cannot give her a reason as to why he was delivered, so he told her what God said to him, “He just says son trust me I know what I’m doing” and they pray together. This part of the show was powerful because I’m sure many people have wondered why one person received deliverance quicker than them, but never verbalized it like Shaun did. The love that they have for one another allows Shaun to be open and honest without Ron getting defensive or disregarding her feelings. This scene just showed how much these two love and care for each other.

Jay Haizlip : If you remember in previous episodes Christy moved from Alabama to California with Jay leaving behind her friends and family, which has been hard for her. Jay decides to surprise his wife with flowers and take her out. “We have been married for 26 years and sometimes you can take things for granted. I think it’s very important to show her how important she is to me.” He takes her to tango and it surprises Christy. The two have never danced anywhere at all because he is just too cool to dance, so this is a wonderful surprise for her, “He still got it. He can impress me still.” Jay only steps on her toes once before getting the hand of the tango and the two enjoy themselves.

During the day of Deitrick and Dominique’s wedding the two playful take jabs at each other about who takes longer to get ready. “Any man knows…he’s waiting on his wife so they can leave.

Dominique: She tells her mom about her conversation with Deitrick’s mom and how Destin wasn’t christened at first due to their beliefs. Faye does not agree and says her granddaughter was christened the day she was born. While Faye is glad that her daughter and Deitrick’s mom are on good terms, she is not ready to welcome them into her space with good reason, since as a mom she cannot forget what they put her daughter through.

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