In the wake of Joel telling Ed to stay away from Julia at the school fundraiser, a group of moms gather around gossiping about Joel and Julia’s relationship at school. Julia drops the kids off at school and confronts the group about talking about her.

Carl talks to Sarah about an ad campaign for his friend that owns a company Surf Sport. Carl talked Sarah up about her photography and landed her an interview.

Oliver Rome goes to Crosby’s house and asks to stay with him for a couple days due to a fight with his band mates. Jasmine is not happy about the idea but Crosby tells Oliver he can stay a few days.

Max sits in his classroom working on a project when his Dad comes in and tells him he’s 20 minutes late to meet him in the parking lot. On their way out, Adam says hi to Max’s friend Mica but Mica completely ignores him, prompting Adam to ask Max what is going on between the two. Max states they are no longer friends anymore.

Ryan shows up at Amber’s as she is packing up his stuff. Amber is miffed because he showed up half an hour early, and she wasn’t planning on being there. She abruptly tells him to get the rest of this stuff and leave the key. Ryan tries to talk with Amber and tells her he may not see him before he goes but she leaves anyway.

Adam talks to Kristina about Mica and Max not being friends. Kristina wants to talk with Mica’s parents but Adam advises against it, and says he’ll try to get to the bottom of the actual problem.

Crosby’s family, and Oliver, have dinner and Oliver is inspired to write but Crosby asks what is going on with the band. Oliver tries to explain that the rest of the band don’t understand that this is more than just making a record.

Zeek goes to see Ryan at the motel he’s staying at and hopes his talk with Ryan isn’t the reason he reenlisted. Ryan states it’s not, he feels he’s not good enough for Amber, and a domestic life. As Zeek leaves Ryan thanks Zeek for everything he’s done for him.

As Joel is working on construction plans, Julia interrupts him and asks if they can talk. Julia tells Joel that she and Ed talked and were friends, feeling she could talk to him about not working, and they had that common bond together. She tells Joel that Ed took it further and that he kissed her. Joel is furious and asks why she didn’t say anything before when Joel asked her if anything was going on between them after the fundraiser.

Julia tries to tell him nothing is going on, she doesn’t have feelings for him, but Joel says he doesn’t believe her and walks upstairs.

At Surf Sport, Hank is interviewing for the job to photograph the campaign. Abruptly telling the Surf Sport executive what he won’t do, the interview quickly ends. As Hank walks through the lobby he sees Sarah and realizes she is there to interview as well. The executive, who knows Sarah from Carl’s fundraising event, takes her away to the interview. Hank is left in shock.

Peet is showing the financial backer for her and Joel’s construction project around the site. When the backer asks about hard numbers, Peet refers to Joel but he is distracted and fumbles papers for numbers. Peet makes an excuse and tells the backer that they’ll get the numbers for him.

Hank goes to Sarah because he is dumbfounded at how she got the interview. She explains how she got it through Carl, and Hanks tries quizzing her on what lens to use for a sunset. Tired of the questions, Sarah tells Hank to leave.

Peet confronts Joel about what happened during the walk-through with the backer. He explains he’s having personal problems but Peet quickly states she doesn’t care, that he just needs to get his act together.

Adam talks to Max about what ended his friendship with Mica. Mica likes basketball but Max told him that he doesn’t like it, and that Mica could never play anyway because he’s in a wheelchair. Understanding now why Mica ended the friendship, Adam tells Max apologize, and Adam offers to take them all to a basketball game. Max agrees to apologize and ask Mica to the game.

Sarah goes to Carl’s and tells him she got the job but is worried about her ability to actually do it. Carl tells her she can do it.

Crosby and Adam corner Oliver and tell him that he has to go back to the studio and in under contract to finish the album. They also tell him he has to go back and live with his bandmates.

While Mica is playing basketball with his friends at school, Max interrupts their game and apologizes and asks Mica to the game. The basketball players laugh at Max and Mica says no.

Adam and Max come home and Max hasn’t talked about what happened. He states he’s going to Hank’s but Adam stops him and tells Max he needs to tell them what happened with Mica before he goes. Max tells him Mica said no and that Mica’s friends laughed and made fun of him.

Zeek goes to see Amber and tries to tell her that she needs to go see Ryan to say goodbye before he leaves. Amber doesn’t want to talk about it and tells him to leave.

Jasmine comes home to still find Oliver there. He tells her that the album is really his life and music is the only thing he knows how to do. He’s worried about being mediocre. Jasmine advises that he’ll never find out, and always ask “what if” if he doesn’t just go for it.

Adam and Kristina talk about what to do for Max, and their frustrations over the whole situation. They feel as though they are helpless.

Amber goes to see Ryan. She tells him to promise to be safe and come home. He promises he will be as safe as he can, and they hug goodbye.

Sarah goes to Hank and comes up with the idea of doing the Surf Sport job together, but this time, she is the boss. After some debate, Hank agrees but to a 50/50 split of the pay. Sarah agrees.

Adam and Kristina take Max to the game, wearing team colors and foam fingers, and try to get Max excited to go.

Oliver is packed up and ready to go as Crosby and his family see him off. He wrote and plays a song for Jasmine.

Amber and Zeek sit around his fire pit. Amber apologizes for yelling at him.

Julia confronts Joel about possibly going to see a marriage counselor. While Julia wants to work through it, Joel states he doesn’t see a reason for him to stay there because he doesn’t believe this is fixable. He walks away leaving Julia crying.

Image: NBC Universal