If you didn’t watch last night’s episode of Mindy, stop whatever you’re doing and watch it now. I don’t care if you’re swamped with work or need to study or have to volunteer at your local clinic. Trust me, this is more important.

This week’s episode opened with two of my favorite images: Rhett Butler embracing a blushing Scarlett O’Hara and Mindy chugging a bottle of wine. Heartbroken after her sudden breakup with Cliff, Mindy took a cue from everyone’s favorite southern heroine and decided to win her man back.

Before she could return to New York, Danny kidnapped Mindy and brought her along to meet his estranged dad. Rather than a warm reunion with his father, Danny drove two hours just to punch his dad in the face. The knockout, fortunately, never was, because Danny Castellano was greeted at the door by Danny Castellano, his half sister.

Soon after big Danny met little Danny, their father came to the door. Alan Castellano was no longer the runaway family man that Danny knew him to be. Instead, he was a loving husband and doting dad. In fact, he was now the father Danny always wanted but never had—and this killed him.

A beer guzzling Danny got lost in the desert and called Mindy to find him. Once an annoyed Mindy caught up with a drunk Danny, they began a heated argument that matched the surrounding desert.

Danny criticized Mindy for chasing after Cliff as if her life was a movie. His harsh words were met by Mindy’s even harsher evaluation of Danny’s character. “You’re mean and you are selfish and you’re just like your dad...you’re worse than your dad, because your dad changed.”

Hearing these two characters rip so viciously into one another was the most dramatic scene the series has ever attempted. It was an uncommon tone for The Mindy Project to take, but it was refreshing to see that this show can pull of more than just fat jokes and Sex and the City references.

Eventually, Danny and Mindy made their way out of the desert and back to Danny’s long lost family. Although the scars from the past won’t disappear overnight, the Castellano men talked out their problems and left on good terms.

Finally on their flight home, Mindy and Danny apologized for their actions in the desert. Mindy then wrote an email to Cliff at the advice of little Danny and with the help of big Danny. Who knew the New York tough guy could write such romantic words?

During Danny’s daddy drama, Peter returned to New York. After putting his heart on the line and getting it crush by a crowd control barrier, Peter was back to his sleazy dating ways and already had a date with a “DTF butterface.” Gross.

Thanks to a faulty door handle, Peter got trapped in the office bathroom with Morgan. By the miracle of an air vent, the two overheard a heartbroken Cliff listen, sing, cry, and then sob to Jewel breakup tunes for two hours. Morgan and Peter assumed Mindy broke up with Cliff and after they were saved by the office janitor, decided to take him on a guy’s night out.

It wasn’t long before they found out that Cliff was in fact the dumper and not the dumpee. With this new information, Peter vouched for Mindy’s innocence at the L.A. party and told Cliff that he made a huge mistake. Once Cliff got Mindy’s email, he immediately wanted her back.

The episode could have ended here. Danny’s storyline with his father was neatly wrapped up, and it seemed like Mindy and Cliff would reunite. However, there was still one minute and thirty seconds left...

As a thank you for helping her with the email, Mindy ran to get Danny his beloved tonic water. While sitting alone, a bit of turbulence rattled through plane. I don’t know if it made Danny fear death and evaluate his life choices or what, but he confidently walked back to Mindy and kissed her in a way that would make Scarlett O’Hara swoon.

Dreams do come true!!! I’m so happy, and yet, so worried. Is this the beginning of a beautiful TV romance? How will Cliff factor into this? And finally, why is the next episode not for another two months?!

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Image: Fox