New Jersey Governor Chris Christie's public image might have suffered serious damage on January 8, 2014, when news broke of his possible involvement in a scandal dubbed Bridgegate. According to the New York Times, Christie may have had knowledge that a top aide, Bridget Anne Kelly, ordered lane closures of the George Washington bridge in the borough of Fort Lee as retribution against the town's mayor for not supporting Christie during his last re-election campaign.

Christie, who up until this point has been a rumored favorite for the GOP nomination in the next election, has denied involvement. His true role in the scandal is currently unclear, but the social media world has exploded with reactions to the news; some have come to his defense, but many have jumped on the chance to criticize the very public governor.

Here are the top celebrity tweets on the subject, from messages of outrage, to ones of defense or sheer humor:

Piers Morgan pointed out the good and bad of Christie's response to the allegations:

These celebrities shared their own reactions to Christie's response:

Chely Wright commented on the length:

Brian Koppelman joked about a line in it:

These political figures defended Christie by comparing his alleged crime to those of Obama:

Herman Cain

Scott Brown

Kerry Washington mentioned the controversy through somewhat of a plug of her show Scandal:

Ana Marie Cox pointed out that this isn't Christie's first controversy, providing a list of others he's been involved in:

And these celebrities just joked about the scandal:

Stephen Colbert

Adam McKay

Conan O'Brien