Newly engaged Emma Roberts showed off a new haircut at Elle magazine's Women in Television event Wednesday night. The actress was rocking a short, sleek chin length bob, which is a pretty drastic change from her typical long, wavy locks. It was even a little lighter in color.
According to Yahoo! Celebrity, Roberts sported her new look with a black tight top and slimming white skirt with matching black Christian Louboutin Grorolli Pumps. The look was very sophisticated and mature for the 22-year old American Horror Story: Coven actress.
Other celebrities seem to love the new look. Shameless star Emmy Rossum, who is one of Roberts' friends, was all about her chopping it all off. Rossum even gave her approval on Twitter saying, “Emma Roberts chopped her hair into a bob and I love it!”
Back in August, Roberts told People her true feelings on her own hair. “I just love having long blonde hair again. It’s actually a fun change. I feel like with blonde hair you can get away with going lighter on the makeup, which is so nice to do in all this humidity. And I can tie it back and do messy knots and all of those fun hairstyles for the summer, which are harder with shorter hair.”
The big question now is whether or not Roberts will keep the short style for the wedding, since her hair wasn’t the only thing people noticed about her appearance at the event. The new engagement ring was a sparkling and beautiful accessory once again after first being seen at the Golden Globe Awards on January 12. Her and her fiancé, Evan Peters, 26, got engaged around the holidays and have been dating since 2012.
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