A female Miami Police Dept. officer is currently under investigation for attempting to take a picture of pop star Justin Bieber, 19, behind bars after his arrest last week.

When a police sergeant noticed the officer making her way into the area Bieber was being booked for DUI, resisting arrest and driving without a valid license, he witnessed her taking out her cell phone to snap a shot.

The sergeant blocked the photo from being taken and wrote her up for "conduct unbecoming an officer,” TMZ reports.

The officer had no official reason for being in the area Bieber was being held and definitely crossed a line. Bieber was in a holding cell when the incident occurred.

According to The AP, on Friday, Miami Beach police Sgt. Bobby Hernandez confirmed that an investigation of the incident is underway.

The female officer’s name has not been publicly revealed. Her punishment could range from a slap on the wrist to termination.

image: ABC