Lance Bass has been quiet effective of hiding just how terrifying his attempt at voyaging to the outer dwellings of space had been in the early 2000’s. Presently, Bass has opened up about the process of the endeavored odyssey and the fears and treatments that came with it.

In a recent interview, Bass revealed to Buzzfeed the entirety of circumstances that pertained to his almost being the youngest traveler to voyage to space and how his yet undiscovered homosexuality drove his extreme paranoia. Bass began training in 2002 with the Russian Cosmonaut Program and was certified by NASA, however, spending about three months at the training center located in Russia, he learned of their hatred and discrimination towards homosexuality.

The singer stated, “I was so scared the whole entire time that they would figure out that I was gay. I was always worried that they were going to figure it out at any moment, and kill me. Just come in the middle of the night and kill me.”

Although he grew to “love” Russia throughout his time there, one experience stayed with Bass that would further his apprehensions even more. Before he began training, he revealed that he had to complete a series procedural tests, including a colonoscopy. He explains, “They did it. I was completely awake. It was very barbaric. Their medical testing is very barbaric.” As Bass told Buzzfeed, he was in a severe amount of pain from the procedure and began crying. At that moment the doctors in the room began laughing. The newly engaged crooner elaborated saying “And I asked my translator, ‘Why are they laughing?’ and they said, ‘Well, they know now that you’re not gay’”.

After Bass’s sponsors failed to come up with the necessary funds, he was no longer included in the voyage to space. Since, then, however, he has been an advocate for homosexual rights and has brought awareness about with his new film Kidnapped For Christ regarding abuse that goes on at a Christian program in the Dominican Republic as according

Last seen at the Sundance film festival to promote his new film, Bass also opened up about his new single. “Walking on Air” as it is called, will be available January 22 on iTunes and features Bella Blue and Snoop Dog. Lance got his start through the popular boy band of the 90’s, N’SYNC.

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