Guests on Tuesday’s “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon” did the only thing deemed best: hid their iPhones, iPods and any other Apple product that happened to find its way into the studio. Even Fallon had to tuck his Mac computer under his desk for one of the special guests of the night: Bill Gates.
Fallon opened the show with his usual comedic monologue all while making sure to include more information on Chris Christie and prices of stamps that just make no sense. Somehow he even made sure to include a new flavor for gummy bears by Haribo. It was an eclectic mix of entertainment and informal news that all lead to the discussion of cold weather taking sections of the US by storm. This all led to the quick segment of Pros and Cons: The Polar Vortex , where dealing with the cold is actually given some benefits.
By the end of the humorous segment, the man of the hour finally walked on stage. Gates and Fallon shook hands like old chums before Fallon apologetically placed his silver Mac under the desk. It was then that instead of discussing competitors with Microsoft, Fallon focused on Gates current work. This year Gates is focusing on a 2014 Annual Letter in which he addresses three myths—like countries forever staying poor or foreign aid being wasteful—and describes how there is a liable solution for the problem at hand. The only problem with the issue, according to Fallon, is that there wouldn’t be way to spread the message of fixing the global issue. That’s where Gates come in, clad in over ten disguises.
Fallon is known for mixing things up on his show. Considering the games of charades and beer hockey played with guests, when there’s not a funny twist on the show things seem a little weird. A computer genius is no exception to this rule. Dressed in sometimes a chicken suit, afro, or even vampire teeth, Gates face suddenly appeared in a dozen colorful boxes on the screen repeatedly saying “”. Unexpected and a bit out of character, it was nice spin to the serious matter into something a little fun too.
Kate McKinnon, a recent star of Saturday Night Live , took the stage for a few minutes to discuss her past habits of dressing up as Peter Pan or Snow White on days that weren’t Christmas—a true sign that you’ve given birth to a future star.
Finally, a new band, Wild Cub, got the audience moving with a new tune by name of “Thunder Clatter” from their album Youth. It was a fun way to end a show that dealt with all things funny, political, and even charitable.

Photo Courtesy of NBCUniversal