Following the success of NBC's first live musical event, The Sound of Music starring Carrie Underwood, the network has announced that their next upcoming project for television will be Peter Pan.
The event will be a remake of Peter Pan, from the same production team that worked on the Sound of Music which drew in big rating numbers for NBC. The broadcast pulled in 18.6 million viewers for the live broadcast,USA Today reported. Craig Zadan and Neil Meron will be working on Peter Pan.
NBC released a statement about the upcoming project saying, that this will be a remake of the original Broadway show.
NBC entertainment chairman Robert Greenblatt spoke about the excitement surrounding this upcoming project and the success of the Sound of Music.
“We’re very pleased to be underway on ‘Peter Pan’ as our next live holiday musical for the whole family, We were all delighted to see how ‘The Sound of Music Live!’ struck such a chord in December and brought nearly 19 million people to the live telecast plus another several million viewers over the weekend. In the hopes that lightning strikes twice, we think we’ve landed on another great Broadway musical — which ironically also starred Mary Martin — that is a timeless classic for all audiences, young and old, who just never want to grow up," said Greenblatt.
Peter Pan will air Dec. 4 of this year.
image: NBC