Robert De Niro is paying tribute to his late father in the HBO documentary Remembering the Artist Robert De Niro Sr., which screened at the Sundance Film Festival over the weekend.

The screening was held on Sunday with a Q&A session being held afterwards, which De Niro attended. Producer Jane Rosenthal director Perri Peltz, and art consultant Megan Fox Kelly were all there answering questions on the panel.

"I did this for him," De Niro said at the screening, The Hollywood Reporter notes. "I wanted my younger kids -- who were born after he died -- to know what their grandfather did. I even kept his painting studio intact so they could see it."

De Niro Sr. was an artist backed by Peggy Guggenheim in his early career but eventually fell off when the ‘60s pop art became popular and he refused to follow the trend.

The AP reports De Niro said at the reception, "(I) wanted to make a documentary about my father with footage, whatever footage we had; people, whoever was around that were still with us, (I) wanted to have them interviewed and talk about him and have it for the family, for my kids, the grandkids," he said. "And then it went this way that HBO picked it up which is really great."

Abstract expressionist painter, De Niro Sr., died at the age of 71 in 1993. His works are hung not only at his son’s Tribeca Grille in NYC but they’re now featured at the Julie Nestor Gallery in Park City.

image: © 2011 Dark Fields Production/