Sarah Silverman, alongside Zach Galifianakis and other fellow comedians, took center stage as they hosted the Sunday event, “A Night of a Thousand Vaginas,” at the Largo at the Coronet theater in Los Angeles, California. The show was meant to raise funds for helping women obtain abortions in Texas, by supporting Texas based organizations that included Whole Women's Health Fund, Lilith Fund, Fund Texas Women, and TEA Fund.

The event is part of a nationwide movement titled “A is For,” that looks to to put a stop to legislative restrictions on reproductive rights but also help fund state-by-state campaigns. According to their official website, the organization,”serves as an ally and advocate for organizations working to protect reproductive rights.”

Even though the event was a fundraiser there were some disruptions just outside the theater. As Silverman and Galifianakis performed, the event had to be closely monitored by security as anti-abortion protesters caused interruptions outside. Tickets for the event sold for $100 per ticket as guests looked to take part in this one-night only show. The event also had support via the Internet where proceeds supported the same cause.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Silverman arrived on-stage wearing a red shirt that held the phrase, "I stand with Texas women," while announcing that, "Our rights are being chipped away at.”

Actresses Martha Plimpton and Sarah Thyre were the event's organizers and Plimpton went on to say that she expects the show to have raised $20,000 in funds

It's always a welcoming sight to see stars take a stand for what they believe in. Both Silverman and Galifianakis took a stand for what they believe will help women in Texas but also women all across the nation. A goal to help others, regardless of where you stand, is always a goal worth praising.

Image: ABC MediaNet